Balıkesir honey made a mark on the London International Honey Awards.

The honeys produced by Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality made a mark by winning three separate ‘Gold Awards’ at the prestigious London International Honey Awards; Pine Honey, Flower Honey, and Oak Honey. Balıkesir …

Balıkesir honey made a mark on the London International Honey Awards.
Publish: 14.07.2024

The honeys produced by Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality made their mark by winning three separate ‘Gold Awards’ at the prestigious London International Honey Awards, one of the world’s most prestigious competitions in the field; Pine Honey, Flower Honey, and Oak Honey. Operated in Kabakdere Neighborhood of Karesi district in Balıkesir under the Rural Services Department of Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality, the Honey and Bee Products Production Center, where bees raised by expert hands produce honeys, left its mark on the London International Honey Awards. Last year, Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality won the ‘Gold Honey Award’ with Linden Flower Honey and Linden Honey, and the ‘Silver Honey Award’ with Erica Honey. This year, they won three separate ‘Gold Honey Awards’ with Pine Honey, Flower Honey, and Oak Honey in each honey category.
The quality of Balıkesir honeys has been internationally recognized. Every year, Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality honeys successfully pass many laboratory tests and sensory analysis criteria at the London International Honey Awards, where hundreds of companies from many countries worldwide participate with their own honey productions, proving their quality in the international arena by winning awards.
Tastings were done using a ‘blind’ method. In the competition that sought excellence and quality in honey, evaluations were made by the jury based on quality, aroma, texture, and taste criteria. Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality introduced Turkey’s and Balıkesir’s honey to the world by participating in the competition where the ‘blind’ method was used for tasting, without packaging and without any distinguishing features being visible.
Won separate ‘Gold Awards’ with its 3 honeys. Representing Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ahmet Akın, Mehmet Hezer, the Animal Production, Abattoirs, and Aquatic Products Branch Manager, attended the award ceremony held in Istanbul. George Kouvelis, the Official Organizer of the London Honey Awards, presented Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality’s awards and congratulated them on winning the ‘Gold Awards’ for all three of their honeys.

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