UCLG President Altay addressed the world’s municipalities at the UN headquarters: ‘We will continue to be the voice of Palestinians in every setting’
United Cities and Local Governments World Organization and Mayor of Konya Metropolitan Municipality Uğur İbrahim Altay attended the ‘United Nations High-level Political Forum’ held at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York, USA…

United Cities and Local Governments World Organization and Mayor of Konya Metropolitan Municipality Uğur İbrahim Altay participated in the ‘Local and Regional Governments Forum’ within the framework of the ‘United Nations High-Level Political Forum’ held at the United Nations (UN) building in New York, USA. Leading a session titled ‘A Renewed Multilateral System and Financial Architecture Compatible with Our Common Future: Co-Management to Save SDGs,’ Mayor Altay addressed city mayors worldwide, stating that the forum is a crucial step towards the UN Future Summit and the upcoming UN Social Development Summit.
Highlighting that elements like poverty and inequality threaten the future of cities, Mayor Altay emphasized the importance of building a strong service infrastructure and implementing a service model that includes everyone without discrimination. He stressed the need for a multi-level movement from the grassroots up to strengthen their determined stance in ending hunger and addressing the climate emergency urgently and collaboratively.
“War crimes committed by Israel in Palestine and the ongoing tragedy in the region deeply hurt us,” said Mayor Altay, pointing out that the increasing armed conflicts globally directly affect city life. He underlined the need for cooperation to combat challenges posed by conflicts and emphasized the role of local and regional governments in building peace amidst crises.
Mayor Altay expressed that the role local and regional governments play in building peace gives hope for a more livable world. He acknowledged the significance of this year’s High-Level Political Forum, built around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) where the importance of local partnerships for sustainable development was highlighted. He thanked the member states supporting their efforts and commitments.
After the program, Mayor Altay made remarks on the forum, stating that they conveyed their recommendations on the increased involvement of local governments to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. He condemned the atrocities in Palestine and reiterated their support for Palestinians. He also emphasized the importance of local governments’ representation at the UN and their efforts to build more livable cities in climate-affected areas.