Statement on July 15 from the Association of July 15 Democracy Martyrs, Veterans, and Terrorism Victims
Abbas Gündüz, the President of the Association of July 15 Democracy Martyrs, Veterans, and Terrorism Victims, stated that the treacherous coup attempt organized by FETÖ was thwarted by the resistance of the Turkish nation with belief in democracy and the elected. …
President of the Association of July 15 Democracy Martyrs, Veterans, and Terrorism Victims, Abbas Gündüz, stated that the treacherous coup attempt organized by FETÖ was thwarted by the resistance of the Turkish nation and their belief in democracy and the elected government. On the 8th anniversary of the July 15 treacherous coup attempt, Abbas Gündüz, the President of the Association of July 15 Democracy Martyrs, Veterans, and Terrorism Victims, stated in a written announcement that the events of the night when 252 citizens were martyred and 2,740 citizens were injured are not forgotten and will not be forgotten. Gündüz said, ‘The treacherous coup attempt organized by FETÖ/Parallel State Structure on July 15, 2016, was thwarted by the resistance of the Turkish nation and their belief in democracy and the elected government. 8 years have passed since the treacherous coup attempt. However, the events of the dark night when 252 sons and daughters of this country were martyred, and 2,740 of our citizens were injured, have not been forgotten.’
Gündüz mentioned that following President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s statement on a television channel that no opportunity would be given to the coup plotters, they took to the streets altogether. He said, ‘On the night of July 15, while sitting at home in Ankara as events unfolded, upon the call of our President, I went down to Meclis Kavşağı, called all my acquaintances in my phonebook, and like every citizen who loves his country and state, ready to sacrifice even his life if necessary, I also took a stand. We showed intense resistance against FETÖ members. We were ready to become martyrs. Our nation united around the country’s core within a few hours. Hundreds of thousands poured into the streets across Turkey. Masses walked against tanks and bullets. The elderly, the young, the women challenged the bullets, changing history. Thanks to the sagacity of the Turkish nation, the legacy we inherited from our ancestors and the spirit of Çanakkale stood up again.’
Gündüz stated, ‘Since July 15, 2016, the Association has been standing by the families of martyrs and veterans, continuing its activities across Turkey. Our Association operates to establish a brotherhood with the families of martyrs and veterans, keep the spirit of July 15 alive and vibrant, pass it on to future generations correctly, and ensure its continuity. In order to prevent treacherous coups like July 15 from happening again, we all need to understand, interpret, and pass on July 15 correctly to future generations without forgetting. There are those who try to water down and make people forget about July 15. As an Association, we keep the spirit of July 15 alive through our events and activities, and strive not to let it be forgotten with due diligence.’