Mersin hosted the 7th Region 2nd Stage Race of the ‘Regional Triathlon League’.

Mersin Metropolitan Municipality hosted the ‘Regional Triathlon League 7th Region 2nd Stage’ competition organized by the Turkish Triathlon Federation. The competition, coordinated by the Directorate of Youth and Sports Services, took place in Macit …

Mersin hosted the 7th Region 2nd Stage Race of the ‘Regional Triathlon League’.
Publish: 08.07.2024

Mersin Metropolitan Municipality hosted the ‘Regional Triathlon League 7th Region 2nd Stage’ competition organized by the Turkish Triathlon Federation. The competition, coordinated by the Youth and Sports Services Department Presidency, was held at the Macit Özcan Sports Facilities for M1 (9-10), M2 (11-12), M3 (13-14) age groups and non-classified applications in the categories of star, youth, and age groups. In the Aquathlon competition consisting of 2 stages, swimming and running, male and female athletes swam first and then experienced the running track. After the competition where 96 athletes competed on a challenging course and fierce competition took place, the athletes were awarded with badges. M1-M2 and M3 athletes who completed the 2nd stage competitions without disqualification earned the right to compete in the Turkey final competition. According to the competition results; Poyraz Efe Özer in the M1 boys category, Eymen Ege Yıldırım in the M2 boys category, Rüzgar Kasımoğlu in the M3 boys category, Cemre Tuncer in the M1 girls category, Nisanur Atman in the M2 girls category, and Yasemin Olğar in the M3 girls category became the first. ‘As the Metropolitan Municipality, we always support every branch of sports.’ Youth and Sports Services Branch Manager Bünyamin Gökayaz stated that they hosted the Turkish Triathlon Federation’s ‘Regional Triathlon League 7th Region 2nd Stage Competition’ as the Mersin Metropolitan Municipality. Gökayaz said, ‘As the Mersin Metropolitan Municipality, just like we always support every branch of sports, we are together in this race. In the competition, 96 of our athletes came together and competed, and it was a beautiful organization. As the Metropolitan Municipality, we are really trying to do good things and we will do more. We have our own organizations and studies regarding this.’ Noting that the competition consisted of 2 separate stages, swimming and running, Gökayaz stated, ‘All athletes who are ranked in the competition directly qualify to go to the Turkey final. The competition has such an importance. I wish success to all athletes who competed.’ ‘We thank the Metropolitan Municipality for hosting.’ Turkey Triathlon Federation Regional League Responsible Edip Kunt stated that they had previously organized competitions at Macit Özcan Sports Facilities and this year they held the 3rd federation competition regionally. Stating that they organized the competition for the selection of infrastructure for children aged 9-14, Kunt said, ‘All our athletes participating in the M1-M2, M3 categories will qualify to compete in the Turkey final race that our federation will hold as long as they complete the second stage race without being disqualified. We are responsible for 7 regions but we have held two races here in Mersin as our center. I thank the Mersin Metropolitan Municipality for hosting.’ Kunt, who said that the competition was very enjoyable, stated that the facility was very suitable and safe for Aquathlon. Kunt said, ‘Because it is a traffic-free area, it is an inevitable opportunity for us. The official categories of our regional races are M1 9-10 years old, M2 11-12 years old, M3 13-14 years old. After 14 years old, the star, elite group, and age groups take place, but since we have athletes inclined to triathlon in our region, they can apply outside of classification in these categories and participate in our race. The athletes who have earned the right to buy tickets for the Turkey final, which is our official Turkey final held here, are in the M1-M2-M3 categories.

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