President Tugay: ‘We will strengthen our relations with Kosovo’

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Dr. Cemil Tugay spoke at the “Izmir Diaspora Meeting” held with the participation of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti. Expressing great honor for Prime Minister Kurti’s visit, Mayor Tugay said, “I feel honored to host such a distinguished guest in Izmir, which is home to a rich cultural heritage and history.” Both officials emphasized the importance of strengthening ties and cooperation between Izmir and Kosovo, especially in the areas of culture, economy, and education. Mayor Tugay also highlighted the significance of such meetings in fostering mutual understanding and solidarity among diaspora communities.

President Tugay: ‘We will strengthen our relations with Kosovo’
Publish: 06.07.2024

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Dr. Cemil Tugay spoke at the ‘Izmir Diaspora Meeting’ held with the participation of Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti. Mayor Tugay expressed great honor in Prime Minister Kurti’s visit, stating, ‘From now on, I can declare myself as a voluntary Goodwill Ambassador for Kosovo. We will strengthen this friendship not only culturally and socially but also economically.’With the participation of Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, the ‘Izmir Diaspora Meeting’ was organized at the Izmir Chamber of Commerce. The meeting was attended by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Dr. Cemil Tugay and his wife, Oznur Tugay; Ambassador of the Republic of Kosovo in Ankara, Agon Vrenezi; Consul General of the Republic of Kosovo in Istanbul, Suzan Novobrdalija; Honorary Consul of the Republic of Kosovo in Izmir, Muharrem Toprak; Mayor of Foca, Saniye Bora Fici; bureaucrats of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality; Balkan associations; presidents and representatives of civil society organizations.’We have always lived intertwined with Balkan culture in Izmir’Speaking at the event, Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Dr. Cemil Tugay said, ‘From now on, I can declare myself as a voluntary Goodwill Ambassador for Kosovo. We host many citizens who migrated from the Balkans to Turkey in Izmir. Many people say that Izmir is a Balkan city. My wife is also from a Balkan immigrant family. We have always lived intertwined with Balkan culture in Izmir. Therefore, when we hear bad news about Balkan countries, our hearts ache, and when good news comes, we are filled with joy. It is a small country in terms of area and population. It is a country with a big heart filled with honor and values. It makes us proud with its increasing strength. I would like to say that we will be very happy to closely follow their successes from now on. We need to listen to the call. There is truly a respectable civilization there. There is a government that is increasingly strong, influential, and also impresses us with its visits. We need to support this. Although it may seem like the duty of Kosovar citizens living in Izmir, providing this support is the duty of all of us.”I will make efforts to establish even closer relations’Expressing that he will make efforts throughout his term to further strengthen mutual relations, Mayor Cemil Tugay said, ‘We must respond to this friendship not only culturally and socially but also economically. I wholeheartedly say ‘yes’ to Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s call to ‘invest in Kosovo, visit, see.’ In the coming days, we will go to Kosovo with representatives from the business world. We all need to strive for the development and growth of the countries we consider friends. Izmir’s districts of Karşıyaka, Konak, and Buca have sister municipalities. I will make efforts to establish even closer relations from now on. I believe that we will achieve good results in this regard during my 5-year term. I will be greatly honored to fulfill this duty.’Invitation from Kurti to KosovoProviding information about his country, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, made a call to Kosovars living outside their country. Kurti said, ‘Direct flights have started between Kosovo, Tirana, and Izmir. Please come and visit Kosovo. Kosovo is not only mine but also a homeland for those living there and for you. Therefore, do not stay away anymore, come. Kosovo is waiting for you.’

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