Horizontal transfer applications have started: Here are the requirements for changing universities

Student Dean Serhat Butur calls on candidates who apply to the university, department, and program aimed at higher education multiple times for YKS, ‘Candidates should enroll even if they win a university they did not target. Horizontal transfer …

Horizontal transfer applications have started: Here are the requirements for changing universities
Publish: 05.07.2024

Student Dean Serhat Butur, who called on candidates applying to the YKS multiple times for the targeted university, department, and program for higher education, stated, ‘Candidates should register even if they win a university they did not target. It is possible to make up for it through horizontal transfer.’ The results of the YKS sessions, which were attended by more than 3.5 million candidates, will be announced on July 17. According to the statement made by OSYM, it was stated that 1,404,156 of the candidates who took the exam applied for the first time. 798,409 candidates tried their luck in the YKS two times, 442,064 candidates three times, 219,390 candidates four times, and 172,926 candidates five or more times. The transition of students to associate or undergraduate programs with the central placement scores in the year they enrolled and the central placement scores of the higher education programs they want to switch to is called a horizontal transfer. Horizontal transfers are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on ‘Transfer, Double Major, Minor, and Credit Transfer Between Associate and Undergraduate Programs at Higher Education Institutions’ by YOK. Reminding that horizontal transfer applications have started, Student Dean Serhat Butur said, ‘Candidates should register even if they win a university they did not target. Applications have started for students who meet the necessary conditions and want to change the university, department, or even the city, thanks to the horizontal transfer opportunity and the facilities it provides.’ ‘We apply a discount of over 50% in horizontal transfers to students applying for external undergraduate and associate programs,’ said Student Dean Serhat Butur from Istanbul Beykent University, emphasizing that many opportunities are offered to students applying for horizontal transfer to external undergraduate and associate programs. He added, ‘Thus, students who want to advance in their careers with stronger steps for quality education with strong, accredited programs in the field of internationalization can continue their education with more opportunities and facilities in their transition to undergraduate and associate programs.’ The required documents for horizontal transfer applications are as follows: ‘Transcript showing the courses taken and grades obtained by the student in the program they are studying (must be submitted in a sealed envelope) ‘Curriculum (a list showing 8 courses for undergraduate and 4 semesters for associate) ‘Course contents (institution or notary approved – related to successful courses completed until the semester) ‘Document indicating the disciplinary status (if the disciplinary status is indicated on the transcript, no additional document is required) ‘OSYM result document indicating the settlement for the year the student enrolled in the higher education institution ‘OSYM result document containing all scores for the year the student enrolled in the higher education institution ‘Student certificate (current) ‘Certified transcripts of other higher education institutions where the student previously studied ‘Document stating that the student has not made a horizontal transfer according to Additional Article 1 (based on the central placement score) obtained from the university where the student is registered.

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