The championship of javelin, which witnessed colorful scenes in Bayburt, was celebrated with enthusiasm accompanied by drum and zurna

On the fourth day of the 5-day Provincial Championship Competitions in Bayburt, where 6 javelin teams participated, Bayburt Equestrian Sports Club secured the provincial championship with a point difference. Bayburt Equestrian Sports Club will represent Bayburt in competitions outside the province…

The championship of javelin, which witnessed colorful scenes in Bayburt, was celebrated with enthusiasm accompanied by drum and zurna
Publish: 04.07.2024
Updated: 05.07.2024 00:10

On the fourth day of the Provincial Championship Competitions in Bayburt, which lasted for 5 days with the participation of 6 javelin teams, Bayburt Equestrian Sports Club secured the provincial championship with a point difference. Bayburt Equestrian Sports Club earned the right to represent Bayburt in competitions outside the province. At the end of the competition, Bayburt Equestrian Sports Club organized a celebratory parade with horses, drums, and trumpets. During the celebration, traditional Bayburt dances were performed, and enthusiastic crowds were accompanied by passersby from the surrounding area. In the area experiencing heavy traffic, the players of Bayburt Equestrian Sports Club managed to celebrate the provincial championship with enthusiasm without endangering traffic.
The Provincial Championship Competitions, which took place with the participation of 6 javelin teams in the calendar of the Traditional Sports Branches Federation, will end today with the final match to be played. At the end of the matches, trophies will be awarded to the teams and medals to the players.
Can Bayburt Equestrian Sports Club, Kop Equestrian Sports Club, Bayburt Equestrian Sports Club, Dede Korkut Equestrian Sports Club, Çoruh Equestrian Sports Club, and 21 Şubat Equestrian Sports Club participated in the 2023-2024 Traditional Equestrian Javelin Provincial Championship Competitions. The first match of the competition, which started on June 25, was played between Can Bayburt Equestrian Sports Club and 21 Şubat Equestrian Sports Club. The final match to be played today will take place between Dede Korkut Equestrian Sports Club and Çoruh Equestrian Sports Club.
In the 80-minute match played in two halves of 40 minutes each, Can Bayburt Equestrian Sports Club faced Bayburt Equestrian Sports Club in the Equestrian Javelin Field. Bayburt Equestrian Sports Club finished the first half in the lead. Before the second half, Bahri Önal, the Vice President of the Turkish Traditional Sports Branches Federation for Equestrian Javelin, stated, ‘We are in Bayburt within the scope of equestrian javelin provincial activities continuing in 14 provinces. 6 teams participated in the competitions in Bayburt, and our winning team will go to the semi-finals. Our team advancing from the semi-finals will move up to the league. I congratulate the teams that competed last week and this week. I thank all the spectators who have a passion for equestrian javelin, our ancestral sport, from ages 7 to 70, for their participation.’
Celalettin Topyay, the Vice President of Can Bayburt Club, wished success to both teams and thanked the spectators who did not leave them alone in the hot weather and took their places on the field.
As the second half began, the teams took their places on the field. The spectators supported both teams under the scorching sun without being bothered by the hot weather, following the match under the sun and cheering for the club they supported. Bayburt Equestrian Sports Club, which had a slight point difference in the first half against its opponent, increased the point difference in the second half.
With the announcement of the results of the competition by the referee, Bayburt Equestrian Sports Club emerged as the winning side, and both teams competed in a sportsmanlike manner befitting the eternal rivalry and friendship.
Davul and zurna accompanied the championship celebration. The players of Bayburt Equestrian Sports Club, the winner of the competition, first celebrated their victory by embracing each other on the field. Later, the managers of Bayburt Equestrian Sports Club, players, and spectators who supported the team moved to Dörtyol location where they danced traditional Bayburt dances to the rhythm of drums and zurna. A show was also performed in the field with a bottle-nosed Arab horse.
President of Bayburt Equestrian Sports Club, Arif Köprücü, thanked all the teams for their efforts, stating that they would represent Bayburt in the best way outside the province. He said, ‘We gathered in Dörtyol for the championship celebrations of Bayburt Equestrian Sports Club. We are familiar with celebrations in football, but because Bayburt is a city of culture and history, we are also holding these celebrations in equestrian javelin. Our Bayburt Equestrian Sports Club became champions, and I thank everyone who contributed. I congratulate all the teams. As Bayburt Equestrian Sports Club, we will represent our city in the best way outside the province.’

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