Visit to students who gained vocational skills during summer holiday within the scope of ‘workshop program’ from the Ministry

Deputy Minister of National Education Nazif Yılmaz visited students receiving education in Ankara within the scope of the ‘Skill Development Program’ implemented by the ministry, aiming to equip students with vocational skills during the summer holiday. The Deputy Minister of National Education highlighted the importance of vocational training and emphasized the efforts to support students in gaining practical skills that will contribute to their future careers.

Visit to students who gained vocational skills during summer holiday within the scope of ‘workshop program’ from the Ministry
Publish: 03.07.2024

Deputy Minister of National Education Nazif Yılmaz visited students in Ankara as part of the ‘Skill Development Program’ implemented by the ministry, aiming to provide students with vocational skills during the summer holiday. The Ministry of National Education (MEB) has launched the ‘Skill Development Program’ to equip students with vocational skills. The program, which students can attend for free in vocational high schools starting from the 7th grade, optionally, will be implemented in 196 schools in 10 provinces including Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Erzurum, Konya, Mersin, Rize, Samsun, Sivas, and Şanlıurfa. In this context, Deputy Minister of National Education Nazif Yılmaz and MEB Vocational and Technical Education General Director Ali Karagöz visited students who received their first training at Etimesgut Cezeri Green Technology Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School to review the implementation. ‘We have started the pilot implementation in 196 schools in 10 provinces and with 55 modules,’ said Karagöz, the General Director of Vocational and Technical Education at MEB. Karagöz stated, ‘Today, we are launching a program where our children will meet in craft workshops starting from the seventh grade. This program is the beginning of a journey for our children to learn a profession. At the beginning of these summer days, with the instructions of our Minister, as the General Director of Vocational and Technical Education of the Ministry, we are starting the craft workshop application so that our children can spend their summer holidays more productively, get to know themselves better, understand which profession suits them best, and contribute to designing their future. Today, our students will have their first lessons in the field of electrical electronics. These students are here as part of a modular vocational training program for 7th and 8th grade middle school students. We have started this implementation as a pilot program in 196 schools in 10 provinces and with 55 modules for now nationwide. Hopefully, in the future, these students who are currently in 7th and 8th grade will be able to participate in these activities voluntarily, and in the following years, students from other grades will also be able to join these activities.’

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