Kocasinan’s aesthetically pleasing parks offer a visual feast

Kocasinan Municipality, which makes great efforts to enhance the appearance of the district, not only saves energy with aesthetic works but also creates a colorful visuality. The efforts to further beautify Kocasinan are ongoing…

Kocasinan’s aesthetically pleasing parks offer a visual feast
Publish: 03.07.2024
Updated: 05.07.2024 00:11

Kocasinan Municipality, which makes intense efforts to beautify the district, is providing energy savings and creating colorful visuals with aesthetic works. Mayor of Kocasinan, Ahmet Çolakbayrakdar, stated that the efforts to make Kocasinan even more beautiful will continue, emphasizing the importance they place on the visual aesthetics of the city and how the works contribute to the liveliness of Kayseri. Mayor Çolakbayrakdar highlighted that they set an example with the renovation works in Kocasinan, emphasizing that they have raised the service standards of Kocasinan with the investments made. He continued by saying, ‘We attach great importance to the visual aesthetics of the city. In this regard, as an innovative municipality, we offer different projects. Especially with modern lighting, we are making our district visually and aesthetically more beautiful. With innovative approaches, we provide visual comfort to our citizens in lighting, which is beyond the ordinary. We provide energy savings in lighting products with environmentally friendly design. We are implementing projects one by one to make our parks more colorful, different, beautiful, and spacious. Our parks especially offer a visual feast at night. We have introduced different innovations to our district, from new garbage containers to illuminated barriers. Hopefully, we will build more modern and smart cities. All our efforts are to create an environment where our citizens can be happier, more peaceful, and to serve them with more environmentally friendly approaches.’ Mayor Çolakbayrakdar also added that the intensive work to beautify and renew every neighborhood in the district will continue.Moreover, Kocasinan Municipality, which works to beautify the neighborhoods in the Kocasinan region, draws attention with its different park, street, and avenue lighting works, decorative and energy-efficient LED lighting poles, and illuminated barriers. Kocasinan Municipality, with its logo on the lighting poles and illuminated barriers provided, adds a separate beauty and visual appeal. Additionally, with the newly designed parks, Kocasinan Municipality offers a visual feast both at night and during the day.

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