Another neighborhood went through a transformation

MASKİ General Directorate completed the transformation of infrastructure and superstructure in Çıkrıkçı Neighborhood, located in the district of Turgutlu, with an investment cost of 35 million TL. The neighborhood headman and residents stated that the neighborhood has gained a completely different look with the completed works.

Another neighborhood went through a transformation
Publish: 03.07.2024
Updated: 05.07.2024 00:12

MASKİ General Directorate completed the infrastructure and superstructure transformation in Çıkrıkçı Neighborhood, located in Turgutlu district, with an investment cost of 35 million TL. The neighborhood muhtar (headman) and residents expressed their gratitude to those involved, stating that the neighborhood has gained a completely different appearance with the works carried out.

Manisa Water and Sewerage Administration (MASKİ) General Directorate completed the infrastructure and superstructure works initiated in Çıkrıkçı Neighborhood, a neighborhood connected to Turgutlu district, with an investment cost of 35 million TL. Within the scope of infrastructure works, 8 kilometers of drinking water pipeline, 8 kilometers of sewerage pipeline installation, and a 1,500-person septic tank installation were carried out. Following the infrastructure works, the neighborhood was transformed into a brand-new appearance with 50,000 square meters of superstructure works.

“We have no shortcomings”
Stating that the neighborhood has no remaining deficiencies with the completed works, neighborhood muhtar Apdil Gülten said, “The infrastructure and superstructure of our neighborhood have been renewed. The works were completed without any interruption in a short period of 3-4 months. Interlocking pavement was laid as part of the superstructure works. Currently, there is no street in our neighborhood without cobblestones. Our neighborhood looks very beautiful, it has taken on a fantastic appearance. We can say we have no shortcomings. Our neighborhood has become beautiful, gained momentum. Before the works, our water was not healthy, we had odor problems. Now our odor problem is gone. Our water flows crystal clear. When the cobblestones were laid, our mud, dust, and soil problems disappeared. It became spotless. Everyone is living comfortably. We thank our President Ferdi and all our colleagues who worked tirelessly.”

“Our water flows with more pressure”
Resident of the neighborhood Beytullah Altınten said, “We are satisfied with the works. When it rains, we are now free from the mud problem. Our water flows with more pressure. We thank the Mayor of Manisa Metropolitan Municipality, MASKİ General Directorate, and all those involved.”

“We got rid of dust and mud”
Expressing that the neighborhood got rid of dust and mud with the works, resident of the neighborhood Erol Torlak said, “We have a coffee house in our neighborhood. Before the infrastructure was built, we had problems due to the septic tank at the back of the coffee house getting full. After it was built, we felt much relieved in this regard. We are very pleased. Our neighborhood is one of the beautiful villages of Turkey, it became even better with the works. Stone laying works are also completed, our village is cleaned, we got rid of dust and mud. We thank the Mayor.”

“The works added beauty to our village”
Neighborhood tradesman Mehmet Uslu said, “We are satisfied with the works. There were no interlocking pavement stones on every street, but now it’s completed. Before the works, customers could not enter my store, there was a lot of mud and dust. It is better now. It added beauty to our village as well.”

“We transformed the neighborhood into a brand-new appearance”
Providing information about the works, control engineer Esra Türker from the Investment and Construction Department stated, “As the MASKİ General Directorate, we carried out infrastructure and superstructure works in Çıkrıkçı Neighborhood, located in Turgutlu district, with an investment cost of 35 million TL. Within the scope of the project, we realized the installation of 8 kilometers of drinking water pipeline, 8 kilometers of sewerage pipeline, and a 1,500-person septic tank. As part of the superstructure works, we completed the installation of 50,000 square meters of interlocking pavement stones and transformed the neighborhood into a brand-new appearance.”

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