President Çolakbayrakdar: “We are always by the side of those in need”
Kocasinan Mayor Ahmet Çolakbayrakdar visited ‘Dost Market’. Mayor Çolakbayrakdar emphasized that they provide social-oriented services that set an example for Turkey and said, ‘Our goal is for every household in Kocasinan to be happy.’ The Mayor …

Kocasinan Mayor Ahmet Çolakbayrakdar visited ‘Dost Market’. Emphasizing that they produce social-focused services that are exemplary for Turkey, Mayor Çolakbayrakdar said, ‘Our goal is for every household in Kocasinan to be happy.’ Mayor Çolakbayrakdar showed special interest in Ahmet Özlü, who is described as the ‘smile of the store’ and who has Down syndrome. Providing information about the products on the shelves, Mayor Çolakbayrakdar stated that the basic food and cleaning needs of citizens living in the Kocasinan Region are met based on certain criteria from the market. Mayor Çolakbayrakdar emphasized that they produce exemplary services in social municipalism as well, saying ‘Our work at Dost Store and Dost Market continues intensively. We have left another holiday behind. The shopping in our store and market had increased slightly before the Feast of Sacrifice. After the holiday, our work continues at the same pace and intensity. We will continue to support needy families, take care of them, and be by their side with our support in every aspect, from food to cleaning in our market, and from all kinds of clothing products in our store.’ Mayor Çolakbayrakdar added, ‘We strive to help the families identified within the borders of Kocasinan. We collaborate with all our philanthropists under the name of ‘Kocasinan Volunteer’ to help those in need. In this regard, with our exemplary ‘Dost Market,’ we are making efforts not to leave any unextended hand or untouched heart in Kocasinan. Our sole purpose is to produce services that touch the hearts of our needy citizens living in our city and for every household in Kocasinan to be happy.’ Mayor Çolakbayrakdar stated that they will continue to increase their efforts to advance the model Kayseri Municipality, which is exemplary for Turkey. Furthermore, those shopping at the Dost Store under the Kocasinan Municipality Social Aid Affairs Directorate are determined according to their social status, and based on their population numbers and needs, they are given a card named ‘Dost Eli.’ Citizens who receive the Dost Eli card can purchase products up to the monetary point limit loaded on the card. In Dost Market, needy individuals enjoy shopping with the ‘Dost Eli’ card they receive in their own names, following the same practice.