When a member of the AK Party resigned, the number of seats of the CHP in the parliament increased
Ali Değirmenci, the AK Party member of the Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Council, resigned from his duty due to his notary task, increasing the number of seats of the CHP in the Council by 1. Ali Değirmenci, the AK Party Group Deputy Chairman of the Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Council…

Ali Değirmenci, the AK Party member of Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Council, resigned from his duty due to his notary duty, which increased the number of CHP seats in the Council by 1.
The AK Party Group Deputy Chairman of Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Council, Ali Değirmenci, resigned from his post. It was learned that Değirmenci, who also served as the Deputy Mayor of Denizli Metropolitan Municipality in the previous term, will start working as a notary in Germencik district of Aydın and resigned from public duties as required by law. Değirmenci also resigned from his position as a member of the AK Party in Merkezefendi Municipality Council.
With the resignation of AK Party member Değirmenci, retired Gürcan Çakır was appointed from the AK Party to the vacant seat in Merkezefendi Municipal Council. Değirmenci’s resignation did not change the number of members in Merkezefendi Municipal Council.
However, there was a change in numbers in Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Council. With Değirmenci’s resignation, the new member to the metropolitan council will be from the CHP. CHP’s Osman Tığ found a place for himself in the metropolitan council after the resignation. The number of CHP members, which was 52 in the Metropolitan Municipality Council, increased to 53, while the number of AK Party members, which was 16, decreased to 15. In addition, there are 2 members from the Yeniden Refah Party, and one member each from BBP and MHP in the Council.
Due to Değirmenci’s resignation as required by law, a new name will be appointed as the AK Party Metropolitan Council Group Deputy Chairman. AK Party Provincial Chairman Yücel Güngör will hold a meeting with council members for this position previously held by Değirmenci. Güngör, who will listen to opinions and suggestions, stated, ‘We will appoint a colleague who can fulfill the duty properly. We will have a meeting with council members. We consider all of our colleagues suitable for this duty. After consultations, we will make the appointment.’
The meeting will also determine who will take over the position of group deputy chairmanship in Merkezefendi Municipal Council.