President Altay: ‘We are implementing the Flood Protection Pond Project in Meram to contribute to the ecosystem’

Konya Metropolitan Municipality KOSKI General Directorate is implementing the Flood Protection Pond Project located in Necmettin Erbakan University Campus in Meram Köyceğiz Neighborhood. Mayor of Konya Metropolitan Municipality Uğur İbrahim Altay visited the campus to examine the project’s progress. The Flood Protection Pond Project aims to prevent floods in the region and ensure the safety of the university campus and surrounding areas.

President Altay: ‘We are implementing the Flood Protection Pond Project in Meram to contribute to the ecosystem’
Publish: 25.06.2024

The General Directorate of Konya Metropolitan Municipality Water and Sewerage Administration (KOSKİ) is implementing the Flood Protection Pond Project located in the Necmettin Erbakan University Campus in Meram Köyceğiz Neighborhood.

Mayor of Konya Metropolitan Municipality, Uğur İbrahim Altay, stated that the pond project they have started building on the 3 streams passing through the campus aims to prevent possible flood and inundation problems in the region. Mayor Altay said, ‘The project we have prepared to prevent floodwaters from causing possible inundations aims to increase security against floodwaters and contribute to environmental sustainability in the region.’

Features and objectives of the project

Mayor Altay noted that models were made by calculating the next decades within the scope of the project, and the probable amount of floodwater was calculated. He said, ‘In the light of the data obtained, the gross storage volume of the pond and dam was designed as 34,500 cubic meters, and the useful storage volume was determined as 28,000 cubic meters. The bottom weir level determined according to the sediment amount is one thousand one hundred sixty-nine meters, and a one-meter air gap was left according to the air clearance calculations of the pond. In this direction, the crest level was determined as one thousand one hundred seventy-six meters, and the water level was determined as one thousand one hundred seventy-five meters.’

Other contributions it will provide to the region

Mayor Altay emphasized that the flood protection pond prepared by the General Directorate of Konya Metropolitan Municipality Water and Sewerage Administration after an in-depth research, costing 20 million TL, will not only reduce the risk of flood and inundation but also contribute to environmental sustainability. He stated, ‘Our project, which is an important step in water management and protection strategies, will not only increase the safety of our fellow citizens living in Meram district and the students of Necmettin Erbakan University but also have a positive impact on the ecosystem in the region.’ Meanwhile, the works of the Keçili Canal Rehabilitation Project initiated by Konya Metropolitan Municipality to protect industrial zones from floods between Lale Street-Ankara Road-Aslım Street continue. For the Keçili Canal Rehabilitation Project, taking place in an area of 3,115 meters in length, 240 million lira will be spent.

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