The heirs of Güzelhisar Castle came together at the highland festival
The descendants of Thirdzade Ömer Pasha, the heir of Güzelhisar Castle in Trabzon, gathered at the highland festival in Gümüşhane. In the years 1737-1745, in the Soğuksu Highland of Torul district in Gümüşhane, which is the successor of Trabzon Governorate of the Ottoman Empire…

The descendants of Thirdzade Omer Pasha, the heir of the Güzelhisar Castle in Trabzon, gathered at a highland festival in Gümüşhane. In the Soğuksu Highland of Torul district in Gümüşhane, a highland festival was organized by the grandchildren of Gümüşhaneli Thirdzade Omer Pasha, who served as the Governor of Trabzon under the Ottoman Empire between 1737-1745. The family members, who are heirs to the land including the historical Güzelhisar Castle built during the Genoese period in the 13th century in Trabzon, revived the traditional highland festival of the Thirdzade dynasty that was on the verge of being forgotten, reminding of the traditions of the Thirdzade dynasty. Researcher-writer Adnan Güngör Üçüncüoğlu, who stated that he started efforts to reunite the Thirdzade dynasty in 1967 and couldn’t believe the progress made, also announced that the lawsuit for acquiring the ownership of Güzelhisar Castle has reached its final stages. Approximately 500 people who attended the festival had a great time enjoying the music and folk dances performed on stage. Adnan Güngör Üçüncüoğlu stated, ‘If people from Trabzon knew what I am going to do, they would immediately give me the castle.’ He also mentioned his efforts to reunite his family since 1967 and his research on the family history, emphasizing the significance of the highland festival and the upcoming legal processes regarding Ganita Castle.
The festival featured a donation of 500,000 TL to the Thirdzade Solidarity and Charity Foundation by Şengül Çağlayan, who was selected as the festival leader. Çağlayan expressed, ‘This festival is prideful and joyful. Being a member of the Thirdzade dynasty is a matter of great pride. I was also chosen as the festival leader here, it’s a wonderful feeling.’