Adana Governorship: ‘Necessary penalties have been applied regarding the butcher’
Adana Governorship made a statement regarding the allegations that access to news about a town, where illegal slaughter outside the slaughterhouse was claimed to be carried out on June 12, was blocked by the governorship. Adana Governorship stated that on June 12, a small livestock …

Adana Governorship made a statement regarding the allegations that access was restricted by the governorship to news about a town where illegal slaughter outside the slaughterhouse was claimed to have been done on June 12. Adana Governorship released a press statement regarding the incident where small livestock were slaughtered on the street on June 12. The statement pointed out that there were unfounded claims on various social media accounts and on the internet regarding the incident in question, and emphasized that the allegations of access restriction to news by the Governorship were not true. In the statement made by the Governorship, it was stated that a penalty of 977 TL for sidewalk occupation, 2,020 TL for illegal slaughter, and a fine of 146,000 TL for illegal slaughter outside the slaughterhouse were imposed by the municipal police and the Agriculture and Forestry Provincial Directorate on the shop owner İ. H. Ş., born in 2005 in Şanlıurfa, at the shop in Mirzaçelebi Neighborhood of Seyhan district of our province, and the establishment was sealed, the meats in the shop were destroyed, and a press release was made by our Governorship on June 12, 2024 regarding the incident. Although it is the duty of municipalities to establish and operate animal markets in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, ensure that abattoirs operate in accordance with the current legislation, and issue business opening and operating licenses, after the incident, some social media accounts were seen to contain comments insulting our governor, and an access restriction decision was taken in accordance with the Law No. 5651 on Regulation of Broadcasts Made on the Internet and the Fight Against Crimes Committed through These Broadcasts. The statement by the Governorship included the following statement: ‘The allegations that the Governorship obtained an access restriction regarding the images of a butcher slaughtering animals in front of his shop in Mirzaçelebi Neighborhood of Seyhan district are unfounded.’