Thousands of people flocked to the Festival of Sacrifice: Kazan kazan (a traditional dish) and rice were distributed

In the town of Mudurnu in Bolu, the traditional Hacet Bayramı was held with the participation of approximately 5,000 people. In the village of Yazılar, thousands of people were served kazan kazan roasted meat and rice. The traditional Hacet Bayramı activities are ongoing in Mudurnu. The celebrations in the region…

Thousands of people flocked to the Festival of Sacrifice: Kazan kazan (a traditional dish) and rice were distributed
Publish: 22.06.2024

The traditional Hacet Bayramı in the Mudurnu district of Bolu was held with the participation of approximately 5,000 people. In the village of Yazılar, thousands of people were served kavurma (roasted meat) and pilaf.

The traditional Hacet Bayramı activities are ongoing in Mudurnu. The bayram event in the region was held in Yazılar village with the participation of around 5,000 people. Preparations for the Hacet Bayramı, where the villagers come together in unity and solidarity, started days before. Around 500 kilograms of kavurma was cooked in the pots set up. Roasted meat and pilaf were served to the thousands of people who attended the event in Yazılar village. Additionally, Bolu Governor Erkan Kılıç attended the event, conversed with the citizens, and watched wrestling matches.

Bolu Governor Erkan Kılıç emphasized the cultural significance of Hacet bayrams in Bolu’s cultural history, stating, ‘We came together in a beautiful event. Hacet bayrams hold a significant place in Bolu’s cultural structure. I am pleased to be with you due to this bayram that has been celebrated and kept alive since our ancestors. Hacet Bayramı is actually a necessity, a demand for a fruitful year from the Almighty Allah. Rain prayers are also made during these bayrams. Prayers are made to Allah for a plentiful and fruitful harvest season. Today, our clerics and citizens prayed together in the mosque regarding this matter. May Allah accept our prayers.’

The program continued with Karakucak wrestling matches. People from all ages in the region wrestled in their categories, creating enjoyable moments.

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