The first stages of the Bocce Volo Turkey Championship have come to an end
The athletes who ranked in the top in the first groups at the Bocce Volo Turkey Championship held in the district of Kula in Manisa have been determined. Star boys golden point, star girls relay, junior girls ladder, junior girls relay, star boys relay, junior boys…

The athletes who achieved success in the first groups of the Bocce Volo Turkey Championship held in the Kula district of Manisa have been determined. Students who ranked in categories such as junior girls golden point, junior girls relay, junior girls individual, junior girls relay, junior boys relay, junior boys individual, and junior boys relay were awarded by protocol members.
The first stage of the Bocce Volo Turkey Championship, which was organized by the Kula District Governorship and the Youth and Sports Kula District Directorate in Kula and had a total of 211 athletes from 18 provinces, 98 girls, and 113 boys, has come to an end. In the competitions, the club and the athletes representing themselves competed fiercely to succeed. In the highly competitive competitions, in the junior girls golden point category, Fatma Gün from Mersin came first, followed by Behiye Azra Kunt in second place, and Buğlem Kabasakal from Çorum and Hurinaz Öpçin from Mersin in third place. In the junior girls relay category, Zilan Atila and Sinem Vargın from Bingöl came first, followed by Sedanur Öksüz and Selime Buse Kasapoğlu from Mersin in second place, and Zekiye Kopaç and Senanur Güneş from Uşak, as well as Behiye Azra Kunt and Fatma Gün from Mersin in third place. In the junior girls individual category, Gülnur Kulluk from Manisa came first, followed by Filiz Apar from Uşak in second place, and Nilda Kutlay from Mersin and Hande Aktaş from Iğdır in third place. In the junior girls relay category, Nilda Kutlay from Mersin and Havva Kan from Bingöl came first, followed by Gülnur Kulluk and Hatice Kübra Sağat from Manisa in second place, and Filiz Alpar from Uşak, Şirinay Elri from Kırıkkale, and Selen Dinii and Şengül Baykara from Mersin in third place. In the junior boys relay category, Yasin Aksaç and Ahmet Can Erdeveci from Mersin came first, followed by Şükrü Eroğlu and Metin Eroğlu from Kilis in second place, and Aydın Ayaydın and Muhammet Emir Koçak from Uşak, as well as Süleyman Bayındır and Enes Batuce from Diyarbakır in third place. In the junior boys individual category, Ferhat Elma from Uşak came first, followed by Mustafa Gültekin from Siirt in second place, and Ramazan Gencer from Manisa and Hasan Kuş from Mersin in third place. In the junior boys relay category, Doğa Çağın Çıtak from Çorum and Mustafa Gültekin from Siirt came first, followed by Ferhat Elma and Yasin Ece from Uşak in second place, and Kaan Demir and Ramazan Gencer from Manisa, as well as Miraç Atlı and Taha Gülmez from Elazığ in third place.
The medal and awards were presented to the successful athletes by the Deputy Chairman of the Turkey Bocce Bowling Federation Faik Kapsız, the District Chief of Police of Kula Ali Rıza Gökmen, the Director of Youth and Sports Kula District Ufuk Özlem, the Director of the Youth Center Cem Bora Akıncı, and the General Secretary of Manisa Celal Bayar University Kula Vocational School Hasan Ali Şahin.