Students in Siirt produce 6 thousand loaves of bread per day
In Siirt, within the Abdülhamid Han Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, students produce 6,000 loaves of bread daily in the facility. As part of the bakery workshop for Food and Beverage Department students in 100 vocational high schools in 81 provinces by the Ministry of National Education, students from Siirt…

In Siirt, within the Abdülhamid Han Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School facility, students produce 6 thousand loaves of bread daily. The Ministry of National Education meets the bread needs of school dormitories, including Siirt Municipality’s Public Bread Sales Point, through bakery workshops in 100 vocational high schools in 81 provinces, with students from the Food-Beverage Department. Students both learn bread making from master instructors and contribute to production and family economy. Garip Teymur, the Principal of Abdülhamid Han Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, emphasized the importance of the facility for students’ vocational development. Teymur stated that the students and master instructors actively participate in all production stages. The facility operates in 2 shifts with 4 master instructors and students. Teymur also mentioned that they believe the facility makes a significant contribution to the economy by providing both a learning environment and economic gain for students and their families. Furthermore, students receive diplomas, business opening permits, internationally recognized certificates, and earn income at a young age while practicing their profession.
Teymur expressed that they believe the facility adds significant value to the city and mentioned the possibility of expanding the facility based on future demands. They currently produce 6 thousand loaves of bread daily, including smaller loaves of 50 grams and 100 grams, which are sent to school dormitories to prevent waste. The excess bread from the regular-sized loaves might not have the same quality when recycled compared to the smaller loaves. Therefore, they send smaller loaves to prevent waste, while all 200-gram loaves are delivered to the municipality for distribution in various locations. Student worker Ömer Aydan shared that he is studying, learning the bakery profession, and financially supporting his family by producing nearly 5 thousand loaves of bread daily at the facility.