An emergency aid allowance of 3 million TL was sent to the Diyarbakır Governorate and 2 million TL to the Mardin Governorate

While inspections and damage assessment works continue in the fire area where 11 people lost their lives in Diyarbakır and Mardin, AFAD Presidency initially allocated 3 million TL to Diyarbakır Governorship and 2 million TL to Mardin Governorship for emergency aid.

An emergency aid allowance of 3 million TL was sent to the Diyarbakır Governorate and 2 million TL to the Mardin Governorate
Publish: 21.06.2024
Updated: 24.06.2024 23:11

While investigations and damage assessment studies continue in the fire-stricken area where 11 people lost their lives in Diyarbakır and Mardin, an initial emergency aid allocation of 3 million TL to Diyarbakır Governorship and 2 million TL to Mardin Governorship was sent by the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) Presidency.

Deputy Minister of Interior Münir Karaloğlu, yesterday at around 22.15 in the rural Köksalan Neighborhood of Çınar district in Diyarbakır, where the stubble and undercover fire broke out, conducted examinations at the point of origin and attended the funeral of Ubeydullah Buğdaycı (30) and his nephew Abdurrahman Buğdaycı (15) who lost their lives in the fire in the neighborhood with the delegation accompanying him.

After the funeral, Karaloğlu, speaking to journalists at the starting point of the fire, stated that the country is facing intense struggle with both forest fires and stubble or undercover fires in different regions, saying, “On June 20, 2024, at 22.22, we were faced with a very serious agricultural fire in Diyarbakır, Çınar district Köksalan, Yazçiçeği, Bağcık, Mardin’s Mazıdağı district Yücebağ and Yetkinler neighborhoods. We were faced with a large fire that we can describe as both stubble fire and undercover fire as unharvested field fire. Immediately after the start of the fire, our Governor of Diyarbakır and Governor of Mardin led the region, our gendarmerie, AFAD, Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality and Mardin Metropolitan Municipality Fire Departments, our Regional Directorate of Forestry’s Firefighting Teams, Ministry of Health’s both UMKE teams and 112 Emergency intervention teams were dispatched to the region and the struggle began. Only our Ministry of Health sent 19 ambulances and 7 UMKE teams to the region. A total of 180 vehicles and 1,008 personnel intervened in the incident, with 86 vehicles and 451 personnel from Mardin and 94 vehicles and 587 personnel from Diyarbakır.”

“Of the deceased, 8 are registered in Mardin and 3 in Diyarbakır
“Karaloğlu, noting that Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced the sad news today, said, “11 of our citizens lost their lives. I wish mercy from Almighty Allah to all our citizens who lost their lives. I offer my condolences to their families, loved ones, and our nation. 8 of these 11 citizens are registered in Mardin province and 3 in Diyarbakır province. In addition, 78 citizens affected by the fire, affected by the smoke, applied to our hospitals. Currently, the treatments of 5 citizens who are still being treated in hospitals are ongoing, with 2 in Diyarbakır, Gazi Yaşargil and Dicle University Faculty Hospitals, and 1 in Şanlıurfa Training and Research Hospital.”

Karaloğlu, who announced that 8,100 hectares of land in Diyarbakır region were affected by the fire yesterday, said: “Of this, 1,450 hectares are unharvested barley and wheat fields. The remaining 6,550 hectares were areas burned as stubble. In our Mardin region, 7,000 hectares of land were affected by the fire. Of this, 4,000 hectares are unharvested fields, and 3,000 hectares are areas burned and damaged as stubble. Of course, not only these were affected. Our citizens’ irrigation equipment, pipes, and electrical infrastructure in the fields were also damaged. Assessments regarding the damages have started today through our Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry. Currently, the damage and loss assessments of our citizens are ongoing. Also, there are damages in one citizen’s barn and one citizen’s haystack.”

Stating that 556 small livestock perished in the fire and 250 injured animals were sent for slaughter by the citizens’ consent to the Meat and Fish Institution, Karaloğlu said, “120 of our animals were provided with treatment in the region with the support of our veterinarians, and veterinary faculty. Together with our AFAD President, we came from Ankara to convey get-well wishes from our President and get-well and condolences from our Minister. Our valuable deputies from Diyarbakır are accompanying us. Our Governor is here. All institutions of the state are here. We will be in the region until we heal the citizens’ wounds, we will not leave the region. At the initial stage, our AFAD Presidency has already sent 3 million TL to Diyarbakır Governorship and 2 million TL to Mardin Governorship as emergency aid. It has already been transferred to their accounts. But after the damage and loss assessments are completed, we will do our best as the state to cover the damages of our citizens.”

Finally, Karaloğlu made the following statements regarding the misinformation on social media:
“Regarding the cause of the fire, our Prosecutor’s Office has taken over the case at the moment. Gendarmerie crime scene investigation teams continue their research in the region. All of these are rumors. At the moment, we do not have a definitive finding that we can say the fire originated from this reason. If our prosecutor completes his work, research, investigation, we will share it with you. Other than that, we kindly request our citizens not to give too much credit to what is written and drawn on social media.”

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