Agriculture and tourism are the two prominent sectors in DAP
In the Eastern Anatolia Project (DAP) 2021-2023 Action Plan, it is stated that when the potentials of the 15 provinces in the hinterland of the Regional Development Administration Presidency are evaluated, the common trend is towards the agriculture and tourism sectors. In our country, every…

The Eastern Anatolia Project (DAP) 2021-2023 Action Plan stated that when the potentials of the 15 provinces in the hinterland of the Regional Development Administration Presidency are evaluated, the common trend is towards the agriculture and tourism sectors. Every region in our country has been implementing plans to reveal and evaluate development opportunities, improve competitiveness by reducing interregional development disparities, and enhance quality of life in regions. Within this framework, the Eastern Anatolia Project (DAP), which encompasses 15 provinces and was formed as a result of plans implemented to improve quality of life in regions by revealing and evaluating development opportunities and reducing interregional development disparities, expressed that the general trend in the region is towards the agriculture and tourism sectors, both current and potential promising sectors. This finding was developed with the contributions of the working group of development agencies in the region provinces.
The Eastern Anatolia Project Regional Development Administration Presidency was established to accelerate regional development by providing research, planning, programming, project design, monitoring, evaluation, and coordination services required for investments in Ağrı, Ardahan, Bingöl, Bitlis, Elazığ, Erzincan, Erzurum, Hakkâri, Iğdır, Kars, Malatya, Muş, Sivas, Tunceli, and Van provinces in its hinterland. In the Eastern Anatolia Project (DAP) Regional Development Program 2021-2023 Action Plan, it was emphasized that the common trend in the provinces of the DAP Region is towards the agriculture and tourism sectors. It was also mentioned, “Some provinces also emphasize the industrial sector. However, there are differences among sub-sectors. For example, while large-scale animal husbandry stands out in the northeastern provinces, small-scale animal husbandry is more effective in regions with relatively mild climates. In provinces with large pastures and meadows, fodder production is prominent in terms of plant production, whereas fruit and vegetable production potential is higher in provinces with a milder climate and more diverse surface features (mountain, lake, plain, etc.).”
“Textile and ready-to-wear sub-sector is developing”. It was stated that the sub-sector of faith and cultural tourism has potential at a certain level in almost every province, while the sub-sector of winter tourism is more prominent in the Kars-Erzurum-Erzincan corridor. It was mentioned that the industrial sector is more predominant in Elazığ, Malatya, Sivas, and Van provinces compared to other provinces. However, there is a variety of sub-sectors. Although the industrial potential based on agriculture and mining is more dominant, thanks to the young workforce and incentives in the region, the textile and ready-to-wear sub-sector has also become one of the important industrial sectors that can develop in the region.