The only municipality providing KİHEP education in Antalya became Konyaaltı

Konyaaltı Municipality, operating with the approach of ‘women-centered municipality’, has set a precedent in Antalya in this regard. The Women’s Human Rights Education Program (KİHEP), which is only implemented in Konyaaltı Municipality in Antalya, out of 54 provinces in Turkey…

The only municipality providing KİHEP education in Antalya became Konyaaltı
Publish: 20.06.2024
Updated: 24.06.2024 23:14

Konyaaltı Municipality, acting with a focus on women-centered governance, has set a precedent in Antalya on this matter. Women who participated in the Women’s Human Rights Education Program (KİHEP), which was only implemented in Konyaaltı Municipality in Antalya among the 54 provinces in Turkey, received their certificates. Women who received certificates have completed a comprehensive education on combating violence against women, women’s rights, laws, women’s organization, and politics.
Konyaaltı Municipality continues its work with the understanding of ‘women-centered governance.’ In line with this, Konyaaltı Municipality, which set a precedent, implemented the Women’s Human Rights Education Program (KİHEP) conducted in 54 provinces in Turkey. Konyaaltı Municipality became the only municipality in Antalya to provide this education. The 16-week training, attended by 34 women, was conducted by social services expert Yasemin Kotan at Konyaaltı Social Services Center (KOSSİM) affiliated with Konyaaltı Municipality. Women who successfully completed the 4-month training received their certificates at the certificate ceremony.
Konyaaltı Mayor Cem Kotan, who attended the certificate ceremony, thanked the women who participated in the training program and the trainers. Mayor Kotan said, ‘This training was conducted in Konyaaltı Municipality in Antalya for the first time. I also promise here that we will continue our trainings. It is very important for us that you have received this training and are present as educators in the field.’
Women and Family Directorate to be established
Mayor Kotan, emphasizing that they operate with a women-centered governance approach as Konyaaltı Municipality, continued his words as follows: ‘We prioritize everything we do related to women in our city. When we build our parks, carry out lighting works, and provide job opportunities at the career center, we prioritize women at every stage. We are also continuing our efforts to establish a Women and Family Directorate and a Women’s Solidarity Center.’
17,000 women reached
KİHEP Program Responsible Hande Yüksel stated that the program will celebrate its 30th anniversary next year. Yüksel said, ‘The program took place in 54 provinces in Turkey. We have reached 17,000 women through our program. Today, we will present certificates to 34 more women here. We are very excited. Every woman whose path intersects with KİHEP experiences some transformations in her own life. And then, it affects the lives of other women around her.’ After the speeches, Mayor Cem Kotan presented certificates to the women. The women, taking a group photo, sang the song ‘There Are Women, Women Are Everywhere’ together.

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