Summer school time for children in Selcuk

Selçuk Municipality in İzmir organizes Summer School Courses for children aged 7-14 living in the city to spend their summer holidays efficiently, be involved in cultural arts, sports activities. For courses that will be opened in many categories from sports to music…

Summer school time for children in Selcuk
Publish: 20.06.2024

Selçuk Municipality in Izmir organizes Summer School Courses for children aged 7-14 living in the city to spend their summer holidays efficiently, be involved in cultural, artistic, and sports activities. The deadline for applications for courses that will be opened in various categories from sports to music is announced as June 28.

Continuing its efforts to keep children and young people living in the city engaged in culture, art, and sports throughout the year, Selçuk Municipality opens Summer School Courses in many different fields with the schools being on holiday. Applications for courses such as chess, basketball, piano, drums, folk dances, painting, girls’ soccer, guitar, violin, gymnastics, volleyball, cello, orf rhythm, and modern dance will be made to Prof. Dr. Ismail Aka Library and Social Activity Center. The courses will be completely free of charge.

A first for Selçuk’s girls
Every year, within the scope of summer school courses attended by inspiring children of the inspiring city, this summer, for the first time, a girls’ soccer course will also be opened. It is expected that the Folk Dance and Modern Dance courses, which are intensely attended by the young people of Selçuk, will also be highly participated.

Applications at Ismail Aka Library and Social Activity Center
Selçuk Municipality continues its efforts for the participation of children living throughout the city in cultural and sports courses throughout the year. In addition to the ongoing music courses at Prof. Dr. Ismail Aka Library and Social Activity Center, the transportation of children attending sports schools, transportation of sports clubs operating in the city, and the provision of materials are also provided by Selçuk Municipality.
For the applications of sports courses to be organized within the scope of Summer School Courses by Selçuk Municipality, it will be sufficient to reach the Ceremony Area Sports Unit Office for sports courses applications, and Prof. Dr. Ismail Aka Library and Social Activity Center for cultural courses applications. Participation in Selçuk Municipality Summer School Courses will be limited by quota.

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