15 products are waiting for geographical indication in Erzurum

So far, 55 products have received geographical indication in Erzurum. 15 products are awaiting approval from the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office for registration. The number of products with geographical indication in Erzurum is 55, and out of these, 43 applications are submitted by ETB (Erzurum Commodity Exchange)

15 products are waiting for geographical indication in Erzurum
Publish: 20.06.2024
Updated: 24.06.2024 23:16

Until today, 55 products have received geographical indication in Erzurum. 15 products are awaiting approval from the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office for registration. In Erzurum, there are 55 products with geographical indication, and 43 of them have been applied for by the Erzurum Commodity Exchange (ETB). Currently, 15 products are in line to receive geographical indication for Erzurum at the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office. Out of these applications, 9 were made by ETB. The first geographically indicated product for Erzurum, Karnavas Mulberry Molasses, applied in 2005 and approved in 2009.
Still awaiting geographical indication for 15 products. These 15 products are listed as Erzurum Kelecoş, Erzurum Kashar Cheese, Narman Green Lentils, Erzurum Breakfast, Erzurum Semolina Halva, Karayazi Honey, Bardiz Kilim, Erzurum Ispir Gobdini, Narman Green Lentils, Erzurum Burmas/Erzurum Bracelet, Hinis Meatballs, Erzurum Grandmother Cake (Erzurum Cake), Erzurum Kelecoşu, Erzurum Dried Apricot Kaysefes, and Erzurum Potato Borani. It is noteworthy that there are two applications for Narman Green Lentils.
55 products have received geographical indication. Erzurum, rich in both gastronomy and cultural heritage, obtained its first geographical indication for Karnavas Mulberry Molasses from Ormanagzi Village Headman. Recently, 55 Erzurum products, including Tortum Sour Fruit Leather, Pasinler Leaf Doner, Erzurum Cılbır (Turkish poached eggs), Erzurum Herle Ash Soup, Erzurum Hink Dish, Erzurum Caşır Saute, Erzurum Tatar Pastry, Erzurum Salted Turkish Delight, Erzurum Lavash Bread, Erzurum Date Sweet, Erzurum Kaz Bite, Erzurum Quince Stew, Erzurum Kavut Rice Pudding, Erzurum Ketesi, Erzurum Pastirma (Turkish pastrami), Erzurum Beetroot, Erzurum Molasses Kadayif, Erzurum Black Fatma Soup, Erzurum Eriste (Turkish ribbon pasta), Erzurum Sour Stuffed Dolma, Erzurum Butter, Erzurum Pull Apart Halva, Erzurum Aşotu, Erzurum Caşır Pickles, Erzurum Chickpea Dish, Erzurum Preserves, Erzurum Turnip Stuffed Dolma, Erzurum Meat Saute, Erzurum Hard Candy, Erzurum Hasıta (Turkish dessert), Erzurum Sujuk, Erzurum Buttermilk Ash Soup, Erzurum Cut Ash Soup, Erzurum Mulberry Jam, Erzurum Egg Pilaf, Hasankale Flatbread, Erzurum Aşmalı Stew, Erzurum Iron Dessert, Erzurum Beetroot with Cream, Karnavas Cloth, Erzurum Dumplings, Erzurum Cheese Halva, Erzurum Molasses Baklava, Erzurum Water Borek, Narman Sugar Beans, Ispir Cream, Erzurum Ehram Woven Fabric, Hinis Beans, Oltu Stone, Erzurum Molded Civil Cheese (Göğermiş Cheese), Erzurum Kadayif Dolma, Ispir Dry Beans, Oltu Cağ Kebab, Erzurum Civil Cheese, and Karnavas Mulberry Molasses.
Renowned products are being protected. Geographical indication, a quality mark that indicates the origin, characteristics, and link between the characteristics of the product and the geographical area, has gained popularity in recent years. Geographical indication registration carried out by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office in our country ensures the protection of products that have gained a certain reputation based on their quality, tradition, raw materials obtained from the region, and local characteristics.

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