Warning from advertisers about artificial intelligence

Advertising agencies warned that the use of artificial intelligence, which facilitates life, without corporate and legal regulations would lead to not only plagiarism but also the elimination of privacy and the misuse of data. Istanbul Aydin …

Warning from advertisers about artificial intelligence
Publish: 19.06.2024

Advertising agencies pointed out that the use of artificial intelligence, which makes life easier, without corporate and legal regulations, would lead to plagiarism as well as the disappearance of privacy and the misuse of data. Associate Prof. Dr. Gonca Yıldırım Öge, Head of the Advertising Department at Istanbul Aydın University, revealed striking results in her research examining advertising agencies’ approaches to artificial intelligence. According to the data analyzed through face-to-face interviews with advertisers answering questions about the positive and negative aspects of artificial intelligence and the MAXQDA24 method, advertisers find artificial intelligence exciting, facilitating life, useful for fast design and content creation; however, they see it as risky in terms of data security, privacy, and copyright issues. The research, which indicated that artificial intelligence is rapidly being embraced by agencies, emphasized the need for measures to ensure data security, copyright protection, and the preservation of original ideas both individually and sectorally. Legal regulation is a must. In the discussions, it was expressed that as artificial intelligence tools develop, just like in all sectors, the fear of unemployment in the advertising world is voiced, but the greatest danger is stated to be people stealing others’ works. Advertisers who stated that the negative aspects of artificial intelligence can be minimized with necessary legal and corporate regulations agreed that risks such as the disappearance of privacy, misuse of data, and growing copyright issues should be addressed promptly. Threat to talent but a good assistant. The research indicated that artificial intelligence, which quickly performs routine tasks, facilitates advertisers’ daily workflow and has a positive effect on leaving more time for more important tasks. On the other hand, most advertisers agreed on the common view that taking the easy way out dulls people, devalues human skills, eliminates human control, threatens human talent. In the discussions, advertisers who agreed that artificial intelligence tools do not always produce the desired results correctly stated, ‘Artificial intelligence is a part of our daily lives, a diligent, tireless, horizon-expanding team mate. It is impossible for artificial intelligence, offering alternative ideas, to access human intelligence sensorially.’ Should be used for the benefit of humanity. Speaking about the research, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gonca Yıldırım Öge said, ‘While artificial intelligence creates new job opportunities on one hand, it seems to change the nature of many jobs on the other. Minimizing the negative aspects of artificial intelligence with necessary legal and corporate regulations and using its positive aspects for the benefit of humanity should be the main goal.’

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