Ankara’s drinking water is clean, healthy, and high quality

ASKİ General Manager Memduh Aslan Akçay stated that the water provided by ASKİ to the city network is clean, healthy, and of high quality, emphasizing that the people of Ankara can safely consume the water flowing from their taps. The ASKİ General Directorate, with 1273…

Ankara’s drinking water is clean, healthy, and high quality
Publish: 18.06.2024
Updated: 24.06.2024 23:20

ASKİ General Manager Memduh Aslan Akçay stated that the water provided by ASKİ to the city network is clean, healthy, and of high quality, emphasizing that the people of Ankara can consume the water from their taps safely. The General Directorate of ASKİ keeps the city water supply under control by regularly analyzing the water samples taken from 1273 different points in the capital. Memduh Aslan Akçay highlighted that Ankara’s drinking water meets the standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO), the European Union (EU), and the Regulation on Human Consumption Purpose Waters of the Ministry of Health, and addressed the people of Ankara by saying, “You can consume the water flowing from your taps with peace of mind.” Akçay emphasized that ASKİ takes the water from its source, treats it, and keeps it under control until it reaches the final point in the city network in order to provide the city’s drinking water needs in the cleanest way possible.
Akçay mentioned that the city water supply is regularly monitored at the Water Quality Center, and the analysis reports of the city water supply are published monthly on the institution’s official website in accordance with the principle of transparency. He informed that all chemical and bacteriological controls are compliant with the Turkish Standards Institution (TSE) standards. Akçay stated that the city water supply can be safely consumed according to the standards of WHO, EU, and the Ministry of Health, as the values obtained from the analyses are below the limit values specified in both international regulations and the regulations issued by the Ministry.
Regarding the warning about water tanks and building plumbing systems, Akçay advised the citizens to have the maintenance of water tanks done periodically and to renew the old plumbing systems inside buildings to be able to consume the city water supply in a healthy way. Akçay underlined the importance of maintaining these structures clean for the healthy water consumption of the citizens.
Akçay mentioned that in the areas converted from villages to neighborhoods, the drinking and utility water is supplied from local sources. He stated that in these neighborhoods, where the existing infrastructure system has completed its service life, microbiological non-compliance can be reported to ASKİ by the Ministry from time to time. In such cases, non-compliance is quickly resolved, and a chlorination system is installed in all drinking water tanks for a solution. Akçay announced that during the term of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mansur Yavaş, between 2019-2023, maintenance, repair, and renovation were carried out in a total of 383 drinking water tanks in these villages, which is approximately 3.5 times the investment made between 2014-2019. Akçay also noted that during this period, 313 new drinking water tanks were built.
Akçay indicated that out of the 867 neighborhoods (villages) within the service area of ASKİ, the drinking water of 434 neighborhoods is supplied from groundwater. He explained that Small-Scale Drinking Water Treatment Plants were established in these neighborhoods to prevent pollutant parameters. Akçay stated that during the period of 2019-2023, 32 new Small-Scale Drinking Water Treatment Plants were established, providing healthy drinking water to 52 neighborhoods.

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