433 caravans were evacuated in Inciraltı and Karşıyaka
Izmir Metropolitan Municipality continues its efforts to solve the parking problem caused by caravans and to ensure safe and comfortable accommodation for caravan owners. A total of 433 caravans were evacuated in Inciraltı and Karşıyaka, while a new caravan …

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality continues its efforts to solve the parking problems caused by caravans and to ensure the safe and comfortable accommodation of caravan owners. A total of 433 caravans were evacuated in Inciralti and Karsiyaka, while the identification of new caravan park areas is also being carried out.
The 6th Izmir Municipal Police Coordination Board, which aims to facilitate collective work between the municipal police directors of the 30 districts, was held at the Havagazi Factory. During the meeting attended by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Secretary General Sukran Nurlu, important data regarding the practices maintaining order in the city were shared, and a roadmap for the coordination of municipal police forces was established. The issue of caravans, which is on the city’s agenda, was also discussed in the meeting. It was shared that 433 caravans were evacuated, with 259 in Inciralti and 174 in Karsiyaka. Sukran Nurlu, Deputy Secretary General of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, who made evaluations on the subject, stated that the relevant units of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality are working to identify new caravan park areas.
“Streets have high expectations from us”
Prior to the presentations by branch managers, Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Secretary General Sukran Nurlu made an opening speech, emphasizing the importance of the duties carried out by the municipal police and the coordination between municipalities and Izmir Metropolitan Municipality. She highlighted the importance of coordination and communication for accomplishing good tasks. She expressed her wishes for successful and beautiful days without any accidents, emphasizing the significant responsibility of ensuring order in the streets.
Emphasizing collective wisdom
Izmir Municipal Police Director Gokhan Daca stated, “We organize these meetings to examine and improve the activities of our municipal police force in Izmir under a single roof, in the light of collective wisdom and experience, in order to develop the activities carried out within our authority and responsibilities. The Municipal Police Coordination Board was established to regulate, monitor, develop, and coordinate municipal police services.” Daca explained the working areas of the Urban Life Commission, Education, Guidance and Publication Commission, Legislation and Legal Affairs Commission, and Environment Commission affiliated with the Izmir Municipal Police Coordination Board.
“4,747 administrative fines were imposed in the first 5 months of the year”
After the opening speeches, presentations were made by branch managers. Zabita Inspection Branch Manager Erol Tilki, who made a presentation on the practices targeting occupation, inappropriate banners and advertisements, and begging, stated that 58,931 establishments were inspected in 2023, and 30,815 establishments were inspected in the first 5 months of 2024. Tilki mentioned that 7,924 administrative fines were imposed in 2023 within the scope of occupation inspections and 4,747 administrative fines were imposed in the first 5 months of 2024. He also shared that in 2023, 6,693 operations were carried out against street vendors, and in the first 5 months of 2024, this number was 4,048. The number of street vendors suspended from activity in 2024 was stated as 4,106. Tilki also mentioned that inspections were carried out against individuals begging on streets, squares, metro entrances, and in front of mosques in Izmir. Speaking about second-hand goods sellers, Tilki stated that teams conducted operations throughout the night in the Fevzi Pasha Boulevard region.
A total of 677 scrap vehicles were towed
Making a presentation on scrap vehicles and caravans, Zabita Traffic Branch Manager Fatih Toprakdeviren informed that the Zabita Directorate conducts towing operations in cooperation with the traffic units for vehicles that obstruct traffic flow in the city, especially those causing safety and visual pollution around schools in Menemen. Toprakdeviren mentioned that their center is unique in Turkey and explained that if scrap vehicles are not claimed by their owners within 6 months, they are sold or transferred to the Machinery and Chemical Industry Corporation in cooperation with the Police Department and National Real Estate Directorate. He stated that a total of 677 scrap vehicles were collected in vehicle inspections.
“70% of caravans are unregistered towed caravans”
Toprakdeviren emphasized that good work has been done in recent years, especially in the Inciralti and Bostanli regions regarding caravan inspections. He stated, “We had started notifications for the evacuation of caravans. In this context, 259 caravans were evacuated in Inciralti, and 174 caravans were evacuated in Karsiyaka.” Although 3,829 caravans were identified in Izmir, Toprakdeviren mentioned that the number of registered caravans was low in the Karsiyaka, Bornova, and Bayrakli regions. He provided information that 70% of the 3,829 caravans are towed caravans, and caravans under 750 kilos are unregistered. He added that towed caravans cannot be legally removed.
9,613 inspections by the Environmental Planning Police
Fuat Donmez, the Director of the Environmental Planning Police, mentioned that their teams conduct inspections on individuals who pollute the environment and leave waste randomly. He stated that they ensure the continuation of these inspections in coordination with the attendees and requested support from the districts to ensure that business owners deliver their waste to licensed recycling companies. Donmez mentioned that inspections regarding excavation and debris waste are ongoing. He reported that 9,613 inspections were conducted by the Environmental Planning Police, with 841,000 liras in administrative fines imposed. Additionally, 49,700 liras in administrative fines were imposed on those who incinerate their waste. At the end of the meeting, the members of the commissions affiliated with the Izmir Municipal Police Coordination Board were updated.