TUIK shared the housing sales statistics

TUIK shared the housing sales statistics for the provinces for the May 2024 period. It was announced that 868 houses changed hands in Erzurum during the month. The province ranked 29th in the country and 2nd in the region after Elazig in terms of housing sales performance in May. Erzurum…

TUIK shared the housing sales statistics
Publish: 17.06.2024
Updated: 24.06.2024 23:22

TUIK shared the housing sales statistics of provinces for the May 2024 period. It was announced that 868 houses changed hands in Erzurum during the month. The province ranked 29th in the country and 2nd in the region after Elazig in terms of housing sales performance in May. Erzurum ranked 1st in mortgage sales and 2nd in other types of sales in the region.

Erzurum May 2024 Data

According to TUIK data, Erzurum had 65 mortgage sales and 803 other types of sales, totaling 868 housing sales in May. Compared to May 2023, mortgage sales decreased by 81.63%, other types of sales increased by 27.66%, and the overall sales decline rate was calculated as 11.69%.

Erzurum 1st and 2nd Hand Housing Sales

Out of the 868 houses sold in Erzurum in May, 251 were first-hand and 617 were second-hand. First-hand sales accounted for 28.91% of the total sales, while second-hand sales accounted for 71.08%. Compared to May 2023, first-hand sales decreased by 25.73% and second-hand sales decreased by 4.34%.

Erzurum May 2023 Data

In May 2023, a total of 983 houses were sold in Erzurum, with 354 being mortgage sales and 629 being other types of sales. In the previous year, out of 983 houses, 338 were sold as first-hand and 645 as second-hand, with first-hand sales accounting for 34.38% of the total sales.

Regional Data

According to the evaluations recorded by DOSIAD Research Center based on TUIK data, 868 houses were sold in Erzurum in May, a total of 1188 in the KUDAKA Statistical Region provinces, 1844 in the Northeast Anatolia Statistical Region provinces, and 4991 in the East Anatolia Region provinces.

Erzurum’s Housing Sales Share

According to the calculations recorded by DOSIAD Research Center based on TUIK data, the number of houses sold in Erzurum in May accounted for 73.06% of the total in the KUDAKA Statistical Region provinces, 47.07% in the Northeast Anatolia Statistical Region provinces, and 17.39% in the East Anatolia Region provinces.

Erzurum Ranks 29th

Erzurum ranked 29th in the list of Turkish provinces based on housing sales. The provinces with the highest number of housing sales are Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya, Izmir, Bursa, Mersin, Gaziantep, Balikesir, Tekirdag, Adana, Konya, Kocaeli, Kayseri, Sanliurfa, Aydin, Samsun, Sakarya, Diyarbakir, Manisa, Eskisehir, Mugla, Denizli, Yalova, Hatay, Canakkale, Kahramanmaras, Elazig, Mardin, Erzurum, and Afyonkarahisar.

Erzurum Ranks 24th in Mortgage Sales

Erzurum ranked 24th in mortgage sales among Turkish provinces. The provinces with the highest number of mortgage sales are Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa, Tekirdag, Kocaeli, Antalya, Gaziantep, Manisa, Kayseri, Denizli, Mersin, Samsun, Eskisehir, Adana, Balikesir, Diyarbakir, Aydin, Konya, Sakarya, Canakkale, Mugla, Ordu, Erzurum, and Kirikkale.

Other Sales

Erzurum also ranked 29th in terms of other types of sales. The provinces with the highest number of other types of sales are Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya, Izmir, Bursa, Mersin, Gaziantep, Balikesir, Adana, Konya, Tekirdag, Kocaeli, Sanliurfa, Kayseri, Aydin, Sakarya, Samsun, Diyarbakir, Manisa, Eskisehir, Mugla, Yalova, Denizli, Hatay, Elazig, Mardin, Canakkale, Erzurum, and Afyonkarahisar.

Regional Provinces Housing Sales Numbers

In May 2024, there were 691 house sales in Malatya, 914 in Elazig, 868 in Erzurum, 701 in Van, 283 in Erzincan, 186 in Bingol, 235 in Kars, 298 in Bitlis, 255 in Agri, 273 in Mus, 120 in Igdir, 61 in Tunceli, 46 in Ardahan, and 60 in Hakkari.

Housing Sales Decreased by 2.4% in May

While housing sales decreased by 2.4% annually nationwide, they increased by 46.3% monthly.

The Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) announced the ‘Housing Sales Statistics’ for May 2024. Accordingly, housing sales nationwide decreased by 2.4% compared to the previous year, while it increased by 46.3% compared to the previous month. In May, 110,588 houses were sold nationwide. In the previous month, 75,569 houses were sold.

The provinces with the highest number of housing sales were Istanbul with 18,814, Ankara with 9,861, and Antalya with 6,306, while the provinces with the lowest number of sales were Bayburt with 37, Ardahan with 46, and Hakkari with 60.

Housing Sales Decreased by 3.4% in January-May Period

Housing sales nationwide in the January-May period were recorded as 465,761, a decrease of 3.4% compared to the same period of the previous year.

Mortgaged Housing Sales Were 9,909

Mortgaged housing sales nationwide in May were 9,909, showing a 63.9% decrease compared to the same month of the previous year. The share of mortgaged sales in total housing sales was 9%. The mortgaged housing sales in the January-May period were 44,602, a 58.7% decrease compared to the same period of the previous year.

Other Types of Sales Resulted in 100,679 Housing Changes

Nationwide other housing sales in May were 100,679, showing a 17.3% increase compared to the same month of the previous year. The share of other sales in total housing sales was 91.0%. Other housing sales in the January-May period were 421,159, showing a 12.6% increase compared to the same period of the previous year.

First-Hand Housing Sales Were 35,558

First-hand housing sales nationwide in May were 35,558, showing a 3.3% increase compared to the same month of the previous year. The share of first-hand housing sales in total housing sales was 32.2%. First-hand housing sales in the January-May period were 147,899, showing a 1.8% increase compared to the same period of the previous year.

Second-Hand Housing Sales Were 75,030

Second-hand housing sales nationwide in May were 75,030, showing a 4.9% decrease compared to the same month of the previous year. The share of second-hand housing sales in total housing sales was 67.8%. Second-hand housing sales in the January-May period were 317,862, showing a 5.6% decrease compared to the same period of the previous year.

2,064 Housing Sales to Foreigners in May

Housing sales to foreigners in May were 2,064, a 34.8% decrease compared to the same month of the previous year. The share of housing sales to foreigners in total housing sales was 1.9%. The provinces with the highest number of housing sales to foreigners were Antalya with 797, Istanbul with 668, and Mersin with 164. Housing sales to foreigners in the January-May period were 9,021, a 45.8% decrease compared to the same period of the previous year.

The highest number of housing sales to foreigners was made to citizens of the Russian Federation.

In May, the countries with the highest number of housing sales to foreigners were respectively the Russian Federation with 437, Iran with 207, and Ukraine with 171.

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