Agriculture Provincial Directorate teams will be in the field during the Feast of Sacrifice
Muğla Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry has released the ‘Sacrifice Guide’ prepared to inform the citizens and breeders due to the Feast of Sacrifice. The guide includes information on selecting sacrificial animals, slaughter, and meat storage conditions…

Muğla Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry has released the ‘Sacrifice Guide’ prepared to inform the public and breeders on the occasion of Eid al-Adha. The guide includes all necessary information about the selection of sacrificial animals, slaughtering, and meat storage conditions. Sacrifice Advisory Desks, where veterinarians from Provincial and District Agriculture Directorates will be on duty, will be set up for the public on June 14 and 15. Preparation has been completed in Muğla for the public to fulfill their sacrificial duties safely and healthily. Provincial Director of Agriculture and Forestry, Barış Saylak, gave important warnings regarding what should be done during the purchase of sacrificial animals and after the sacrifice. Prior to the upcoming Eid al-Adha, the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry identified 91 temporary sacrificial slaughter points and 45 sacrificial animal sale points throughout the province. Information letters about the locations were presented to the public at neighborhood headmen’s offices and public institutions. The Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry will inspect the sales points in the province and districts with a team of 65 people throughout the holiday. Sacrifice Advisory Desks have been established. Additionally, ‘Sacrifice Advisory Desks’ will be set up by veterinarians working at District Agriculture and Forestry Directorates on June 14-15, especially at temporary sacrificial animal sale points where there will be intense activity. Veterinarians on duty at these desks will provide information to the public on topics such as selecting sacrificial animals, general examination of sacrificial animals, introduction of the TARIMCEBİM application, ear tag inquiry, and storage of sacrificial meat. Warning from Saylak to the public and breeders. Provincial Director of Agriculture and Forestry Barış Saylak stated that they have completed all preparations for the public to fulfill their religious duties smoothly during Eid al-Adha, emphasizing the ‘Tarım Cebimde’ mobile application. Mentioning that through the Tarım Cebimde application developed by the Ministry, details and vaccination information about small and large livestock can be accessed by entering the ear tag numbers of the animals, Saylak once again urged the public and breeders to abide by the rules set by the Ministry and to report any irregularities when noticed. Director Saylak reminded that duty veterinarians will be on call throughout the holiday and they will be ready to intervene on a 24-hour basis against situations that may pose risks to animal and human health. Stating that they continue their efforts for the people of Muğla to have a smooth and safe Eid al-Adha, Saylak emphasized that they will not compromise on the food supply security and public health, saying, ‘We congratulate all our fellow citizens, our country, and the Islamic world on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, and wish the holiday to bring peace and happiness.’