Graduation excitement at Kütahya Dumlupınar University

A graduation ceremony was held for the graduates of the 2023-2024 academic year at Kütahya Dumlupınar University. The ceremony, which took place at the Dumlupınar University Evliya Çelebi Campus, was attended by Acting Governor Aydın Börü, Kütahya Mayor Eyüp Kahveci, DPÜ …

Graduation excitement at Kütahya Dumlupınar University
Publish: 13.06.2024

A graduation ceremony was held for the graduates of the 2023-2024 academic year at Kütahya Dumlupınar University. The ceremony, held at Dumlupınar University’s Evliya Çelebi Campus, was attended by Deputy Governor Aydın Börü, Kütahya Mayor Eyüp Kahveci, DPÜ Rector Prof. Dr. Süleyman Kızıltoprak, Air Soldier Training Brigade and Garrison Commander Air Colonel Mustafa Baş, Justice and Development Party Provincial Chairman Mustafa Önsay, along with other protocol members, academic and administrative staff, graduate candidates, and their families. DPÜ Rector Süleyman Kızıltoprak expressed great honor in participating in this happy day of the graduating students and addressing them, stating, ‘Today, as you graduate, you are taking on the responsibility of a great duty. You are starting to represent the name and reputation of Dumlupınar University. In these lands where the flag never falls, with determination and perseverance, you will be the leaders of the future changing the world.’ Referring to the ongoing genocide in Israel where Palestine no longer graduates students, Kızıltoprak emphasized, ‘If we had not taught a lesson to the enemies who aimed at our independence in these lands 100 years ago, our nation would also have suffered in pain. As a philosopher once said, ‘Those shedding tears in helplessness are like orphaned children.’ Unfortunately, some Middle Eastern countries, especially Palestine, have been shedding tears like helpless children for 100 years.’ In the final part of the program, protocol members presented awards to the top students of each faculty. Following the award presentations, all graduate students celebrated their graduation by tossing their caps.

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