Ambassador of Nicosia, Feyzioglu: ‘The invitation of our President (Ozel) is extremely important’
Turkey’s Ambassador to Nicosia, Metin Feyzioğlu, commented on President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s invitation to the leader of the Republican People’s Party, Özgür Özel, to the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Cyprus Peace Operation, stating that “Our President’s invitation …

Turkey’s Ambassador to Nicosia, Metin Feyzioglu, commented on President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s invitation to the leader of the Republican People’s Party, Ozgur Ozel, to the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Cyprus Peace Operation, stating, ‘The invitation of our President is extremely important. Peace came to this island 50 years ago. The Cyprus issue ended on this island 50 years ago.’ Turkey’s Ambassador to Nicosia, Metin Feyzioglu, participated in the sea phase, which is the final stage of the Martyr Lieutenant Caner Gonyeli-2024 Search and Rescue Exercise. Commenting on the Martyr Lieutenant Caner Gonyeli Search and Rescue Exercise and the agenda, Feyzioglu said, ‘The exercise is improving every year. As Turkey’s national defense industry capacity increases, the capacity of our armed forces and coastal security increases, and as their experience enriches in the field every day, the content of this exercise also develops. There are international observers here, which is extremely important. This exercise is carried out jointly by Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. International observers also come, see how advanced the joint capacity of Turkey and TRNC is, and appreciate it. It is an exercise that we attach great importance to. I thank everyone who contributed.’ Feyzioglu also evaluated President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s invitation to CHP leader Ozgur Ozel to attend the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Cyprus Peace Operation together. He stated, ‘It is widely known how much importance our President attaches to our national cause in Cyprus. Cyprus is not a problem for us, it is a national cause. We always prioritize acting above the party line in this national cause. All his statements are in this direction. Therefore, yesterday’s invitation by our President is also extremely important. Peace came to this island 50 years ago. The Cyprus issue ended on this island 50 years ago. Those who initiated the Cyprus issue are the Greeks, Greek Cypriots, and EOKA members of that time who took the common Republic of Cyprus established based on international treaties in 1960 from the hands of the Turkish Cypriots by force of arms, genocide. EOKA was established to unite the island of Cyprus with Greece, it is a ruthless, genocidal armed terrorist organization supported by Greek and Greek Cypriot administrations.’ Feyzioglu drew attention to Turkey’s role in ending the conflicts between Israel and Palestine, emphasizing that Gaza is 100 kilometers away from the island of Cyprus. He said, ‘Today, the genocide and massacre taking place in Gaza in front of the eyes of the world were carried out on this island by the EOKA members supported by Greeks and Greek Cypriots from 1963 to 1974, that is, until the Peace Operation. Today, there is only one country that genuinely, without any hidden agendas, stands against the massacre and genocide in Gaza before the eyes of the world; the Republic of Turkey, and there is only one leader, President Erdogan. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider, analyze, and observe what Gaza is experiencing today and the absolute peace in the island of Cyprus for 50 years. Peace in Cyprus was achieved with Turkey’s Peace Operation. The Turkish Armed Forces and our troops achieved it hand in hand. It was achieved with the glorious stance of the Turkish Cypriots resisting genocide for 11 years. The 50th year is an opportunity to remember all these, to tell them to both the Turkish Cypriot youth, the Turkish world, and the world. That’s why our President attaches great importance to the 50th-anniversary celebrations, and we are working seriously accordingly.’ Feyzioglu requested letters from Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus students to be written to the Cyprus Veterans in Turkey on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation. He continued his speech as follows: ‘On the occasion of the 50th anniversary, under the coordination of the organizing committee, the Ministry of National Education of the TRNC had elementary and middle school students write letters on behalf of our living veterans, which we provided. Our children wrote each of these letters like pearls with their own hands. They were not given any text for the letter; they were told, ‘write whatever you want.’ Yesterday, those letters reached me. We will send them to Turkey, and our veterans will receive them by mail. The 50th year creates an opportunity window for all of us to remember, keep alive, and deeply feel these national emotions.’ The Martyr Lieutenant Caner Gonyeli-2024 Search and Rescue Exercise, with the participation of search and rescue elements from the Republic of Turkey and the TRNC, is being held in the TRNC between June 10-14. The land phase of this exercise, which is held for the 20th time this year, took place in the 101 Evler region of Kyrenia, and the sea phase took place off Famagusta in the TRNC territorial waters and in the Turkish Search and Rescue Region.