Prof. Dr. Zaimoğlu: “The hidden danger triggering global warming is the use of air conditioning”

In Adana, where at least two air conditioners are found in households, it is stated by Prof. Dr. Zeynep Zaimoğlu, a faculty member of the Department of Environmental Engineering at Cukurova University, that the energy consumption in cooling systems is expected to triple by the year 2050 compared to the present day.

Prof. Dr. Zaimoğlu: “The hidden danger triggering global warming is the use of air conditioning”
Publish: 12.06.2024
Updated: 16.06.2024 22:26

In Adana, where houses have at least two air conditioners, Professor Dr. Zeynep Zaimoğlu, a faculty member of the Department of Environmental Engineering at Çukurova University, explained that the energy usage in cooling systems is expected to triple by the year 2050 compared to today, stating that ‘Unfortunately, with global warming, a 1.5-degree temperature increase brings along the need for energy and air conditioning for cooling.’ The increase in air conditioner usage with the arrival of summer has also led to increased energy consumption. It is expected that the energy used in cooling systems will triple by 2050 compared to today due to intensive energy usage with at least 2 air conditioners in houses.
“European Union has started taking precautions.” Professor Dr. Zeynep Zaimoğlu, who stated that the amount of energy used for cooling is expected to triple by 2050, mentioned, “Actually, controlling energy usage is extremely difficult. Various measures have been taken in various European Union countries against this situation. For example, in France, when the temperature in public buildings exceeds 26 degrees, the use of air conditioning is allowed. Similar practices are starting to be implemented in other countries as well. Because especially the use of air conditioning has some harmful effects on climate and nature.” She emphasized that the fact that a large proportion of the energy used for air conditioners in Turkey is met by thermal power plants has negative consequences, saying, ‘Unfortunately, the energy generated for the air conditioners we use in our country is largely met by thermal power plants. This energy generated from power plants, of course, becomes a serious factor in global warming. Therefore, there are two different negative effects of air conditioner usage. Firstly, the fact that the energy used comes from thermal power plants and the harms of carbon dioxide and equivalent gases released in this way. Secondly, the negative impact of the gas called hydrofluorocarbon used in air conditioners on climate change. While we try to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide and equivalent gases, using air conditioners at high temperatures makes it even more harmful.’
“The solution is proper insulation.” Zaimoğlu, stating that preventing air conditioner usage, especially in hot cities, is extremely difficult, said, ‘One of the most important ways to prevent this is insulation in buildings. With a proper insulation system, less air conditioner usage in buildings can be achieved. This seems possible in the coming periods with the necessary construction quality provided and municipal controls. Central system air conditioners, of course, emit much less hydrofluorocarbons compared to individual air conditioners. But we can also say that their economic cost is not very cheap for our country. In conclusion, insulation seems to be the solution.’ Zaimoğlu pointed out that the proximity of buildings to each other is effective in the formation of heat islands, which is one of the reasons for the increase in temperature, saying, ‘The closeness of buildings to each other and the temperatures created by the external units of air conditioners lead to the formation of ‘heat islands’ in cities. Having open spaces between buildings as much as possible and having more green areas in urban areas can serve as a barrier to the formation of these heat islands.’

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