In Erzurum, 896,876 people visited the library in one year.

In Erzurum, there are 23 libraries and in the year 2023, 896,876 people benefited from these libraries. In Turkey, the number of libraries in 2023 includes 1 Presidential Library, 1 National Library, 1,295 public libraries, 627 university libraries…

In Erzurum, 896,876 people visited the library in one year.
Publish: 12.06.2024

In Erzurum, there are 23 libraries and in the year 2023, 896,876 people benefited from these libraries. The total number of libraries in Turkey in 2023 is 48,733, including 1 Presidential Library, 1 National Library, 1,295 public libraries, 627 university libraries, and 46,809 libraries in formal and non-formal educational institutions. When the number of libraries and materials by provinces is examined, there are a total of 652 libraries in Erzurum. Among them, 555 are in public schools, 45 in private schools, and 52 in private courses. The number of enriched libraries in Erzurum is 71. Among the materials in libraries in Erzurum, books are in the first place with 985,063, followed by 2,914 periodicals, 1,592 CDs, 4,099 DVDs, 4,774 posters, atlases, maps, etc., 208 computers, 2,172 interactive whiteboards, 135 chess boards, and 482 puzzle games. Looking at public libraries by provinces based on the number of users, registered members, materials lent, and the number of books by subjects, it is seen that there are 23 libraries in Erzurum. In 2023, 896,876 people benefited from these libraries, the number of registered members in libraries was 72,623, and the number of materials lent was 142,685. The number of books in the existing libraries in Erzurum is 399,883, with 18,852 in general, 12,875 in philosophy and psychology, 21,056 in religion, 72,578 in social sciences, 6,248 in language and linguistics, 7,083 in natural sciences and mathematics, 11,019 in applied sciences and technology, 15,764 in arts, 194,048 in literature and rhetoric, and 40,360 in geography, history, and related disciplines. It was observed that there are a total of 627 university libraries in Turkey, with 477 being state and 150 foundation universities. The number of electronic books in university libraries increased by 23.4% compared to the previous year, reaching 118,373,442. The number of registered members in university libraries increased by 5.3% to 4,199,285, while the number of non-book materials increased by 8.8% to 1,662,552. The number of people benefiting from public libraries increased by 25.3%, reaching 33,561,919. The number of registered members in public libraries increased by 11.2% to 6,193,356 compared to the previous year.

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