DSO’s first in Turkey: Productivity Workshop

Denizli Chamber of Industry has set an example with its pioneering work in Turkey. The ‘Denizli Industry Productivity Workshop’, organized in collaboration with Denizli Chamber of Industry and Pamukkale University, brought together technical managers, business owners, academicians, and…

DSO’s first in Turkey: Productivity Workshop
Publish: 12.06.2024

Denizli Chamber of Industry has set an example with a groundbreaking initiative in Turkey. The ‘Denizli Industry Productivity Workshop’, organized in collaboration with Denizli Chamber of Industry and Pamukkale University, brought together technical managers, business owners, academicians, and industrial engineering students. Representing all professional groups, the workshop focused on how effectively the practices forming the basis of productivity efforts in businesses are conducted and what businesses expect within the scope of productivity initiatives. The outputs and survey results of the workshop, considered as one of the best examples of University-Industry collaboration, will be evaluated by the project team using scientific methods to create a productivity report for Denizli and develop a productivity roadmap.
The Productivity Workshop, conducted in collaboration between Denizli Chamber of Industry and Pamukkale University, took place with a wide participation at Colossae Thermal Hotel. The workshop started with opening speeches and a panel section.
In his opening speech, DSO Board Chairman Selim Kasapoğlu expressed that they have initiated a process to create a roadmap to address the challenges faced by industrialists. Kasapoğlu stated that as producers, they are not only dealing with increasingly challenging economic conditions, global players, and climate crisis, but also shoulder responsibilities such as adapting to evolving technology, understanding and interpreting the language and methods discussed worldwide, and making new strategic moves against this newly emerging order.
“We must shape our future from today” Selim Kasapoğlu pointed out that the increasing export figures, announced growth data, and employment rates only show a part of Denizli’s potential. He emphasized the importance of shaping the future from today, modernizing production methods, and structuring the course of action based on productivity to continue competing with the world’s conditions. To achieve this, they decided to organize the Productivity Workshop, which they believe will set an example for our country. They will analyze the current situation of Denizli manufacturing industry in depth to identify the challenges and opportunities of our sector. They will also develop strategies to strengthen the position of our businesses in the global arena.
“We aim to complete the Model Factory within this year” Kasapoğlu highlighted that one of the biggest projects of DSO in terms of productivity, sustainability, and digitalization is the Model Factory, which they will bring to Denizli. He stated, “Model Factories are competence transformation and digitalization centers aiming to improve the current structure of businesses in areas such as continuous improvement, lean production, and digital transformation. We want to transform Denizli Model Factory, established and managed by Denizli Chamber of Industry, into an education consultancy center with a wide range of services in terms of energy efficiency, sustainability, and digital transformation. We aim to complete this project within this year.
DSO made a groundbreaking initiative in Turkey DSO Council Member and Chairman of DSO Productivity Commission Ayhan Doğrar thanked everyone who contributed and supported the preparation of the workshop, which emerged as a result of great effort and endeavor.
In the panel titled ‘Overcoming the Challenges of Modern Industry’, moderated by PAU Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Aşkıner Güngör, guest speaker Hakan Cengiz, the author of Productivity Wars books, mechanical engineer, Erasys Company Founder, and Kaizen Implementation Expert, along with DSO Council President İsmail Okan Konyalıoğlu shared their knowledge and experiences with the participants.
After the first section where plaques and certificates of appreciation were presented to companies contributing to the workshop, the workshop continued in a roundtable format in the prepared workshop hall.
Denizli Industry Productivity Workshop An exemplary study in Turkey and of great interest, the workshop, which brought together around 200 participants consisting of technical managers and business owners, who are not only owners but also responsible for the production of the business such as factory managers and business managers. Supported by DSO Productivity Commission Members and PAU Industrial Engineering Faculty Members Prof. Dr. Aşkıner Güngör, Prof. Dr. Olcay Polat, and Assistant Professor Ozan Çapraz, as well as the academic advisory team, the workshop was also supported by DSO Staff.
During the workshop, technical managers and business owners participated in 3 different sessions in 2 different parallel working groups. 1st Session: ‘Strengths and Weaknesses’, 2nd Session: ‘Opportunities and Threats’, 3rd Session: ‘A Detailed Look Towards Productivity Sectoral Expectations’ were conducted. An evaluation of the current sectoral situation was made. Data from interactive focus groups were compiled using brainstorming, semi-structured and structured data collection approaches. The Workshop, where personal and corporate specific information was not requested, was moderated by a moderator for each focus group.
DSO will determine the roadmap for industrialists Throughout the Denizli Chamber of Industry Productivity Workshop, where all professional groups were represented all day long; the effectiveness of practices forming the basis of productivity efforts in businesses and what businesses expect in the context of productivity initiatives were discussed. In addition, the challenges of modern industry, productivity, and sustainability issues were addressed.
A beautiful example of university-industry collaboration Bringing together technical managers, business owners, academicians, and university students studying industrial engineering, the outputs and survey results of the workshop, considered one of the best examples of University-Industry collaboration, will be evaluated by the project team using scientific methods to create a productivity report and a productivity roadmap for Denizli.

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