They negotiated in such a way that it even entered into his dreams

A tough negotiation took place between a citizen who wanted to buy a sacrificial animal in Gebze district of Kocaeli and the livestock farmer. The negotiation, where the farmer asked for 147,000 TL and the buyer insisted on 145,000 TL, led to interesting moments. The buyer, who stated that his mind was set on 145,000 TL…

They negotiated in such a way that it even entered into his dreams
Publish: 11.06.2024
Updated: 16.06.2024 22:28

A tight bargaining took place between a citizen and a livestock breeder in the district of Gebze in Kocaeli who wanted to buy a sacrificial animal. The bargaining, where the breeder asked for 147,000 TL and the buyer insisted on 145,000 TL, led to interesting moments. The buyer, who said his mind was stuck at 145,000 TL, stated, ‘You know, a war broke out here. Even in my dreams at night, I was still saying, ‘Can it be 145,000 TL?’ but we agreed on 147,000 TL.’
In the sacrificial animal market set up in Balçık village, breeder Mehmet Demir and buyer Alparslan Daş entered into a tough negotiation. Alparslan Daş, who wanted to buy Demir’s bull named ‘1453’ worth 160,000 TL for 145,000 TL, insisted for a long time. The bargaining they did hand in hand attracted the attention of the people around them. Although the intensity of the negotiation sometimes got out of hand, colorful scenes emerged. Unable to resist the insistence, breeder Mehmet Demir sold his bull named ‘1453’ to Alparslan Daş for 147,000 TL.
‘He tore my arm off’
The negotiation between the two was captured moment by moment on the citizen’s camera. In the footage, it was heard that after the long bargaining, Demir pointed to his aching arm and said, ‘This man killed me. He tore my arm off. My arm has been hurting since the morning. By God, he tore my arm off.’
‘Bargaining is a Sunnah tradition’
Mehmet Demir, stating that a tough negotiation took place, said, ‘Our negotiation is over. May Allah accept our brother’s benevolence. Bargaining is a Sunnah tradition. We reached that stage and did not upset our brother. We sold our animal to our brother.’ Demir stated that the bull weighs 650 kilograms and said, ‘We negotiated for 147,000 TL, our negotiation is over. The price per kilogram is approximately around 200-225 TL. Normally, the price per kilogram determined by the municipality is 260 TL, but we did not upset our brother, we provided the necessary assistance.’
‘My mind was stuck at 145,000 TL’
Alparslan Daş said, ‘My mind was stuck at 145,000 TL. I insisted a lot at 145,000 TL. You know, a war broke out here. In the end, 10-15 people joined hands. Even in my dreams at night, I was still saying, ‘Can it be 145,000 TL?’ but we agreed on 147,000 TL. God bless him. He lowered it from 160,000 TL to 147,000 TL. The animal is also blessed. Every commodity has a buyer, but there are those who sell animals of the same value for 170,000 TL to 180,000 TL.’ Daş noted that they have permanent customers and Mehmet Demir added, ‘Customers with purchasing power come every year. Our animals are beautiful. Our plateaus are unique already.’

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