ASELSAN has graduated its first students

ASELSAN Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School (MTAL) has graduated its first students. ASELSAN Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School (MTAL), located on ASELSAN’s Gölbaşı campus, has graduated its first students. Meeting the need for qualified workforce in the defense industry…

ASELSAN has graduated its first students
Publish: 11.06.2024
Updated: 16.06.2024 22:28

ASELSAN Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School (MTAL) has graduated its first students. Located in ASELSAN’s Gölbaşı campus, ASELSAN Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School (MTAL) has graduated its first students. Established to contribute to the training of qualified workforce needed by the defense industry and being the preferred choice of the most successful students, ASELSAN Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School (MTAL) has graduated its first students. A graduation ceremony was held for the students who successfully completed ASELSAN MTAL, which was brought to life with the cooperation protocol signed between the Ministry of National Education Vocational and Technical Education General Directorate (MTEGM) and ASELSAN on January 3, 2019. In addition to students and teachers, the graduation ceremony held at ASELSAN Gölbaşı campus was attended by the President of Defense Industries Prof. Dr. Haluk Görgün, ASELSAN General Manager Ahmet Akyol, Yenimahalle District Director Veli Karakuş, teachers, graduate students, and their families. The first graduates of ASELSAN MTAL received their diplomas from SSB Prof. Dr. Haluk Görgün and ASELSAN General Manager Ahmet Akyol.
Haluk Görgün, who expressed his pleasure in meeting the graduates, stated, ‘The first signature of this program was signed on January 3, 2019. Looking back, many people have contributed in terms of efforts. Thanks to the vision, responsibility, and support provided by our President, along with the sincerity and efforts of everyone in the sector with love for the country, flag, and sacrifice, we have come to this point. Although many schools could have been chosen, our students chose ASELSAN MTAL from the top 1% and 0.5% brackets, leading their families to register here believing in this goal, vision, and love for the flag, and thankfully, we have seen that with mutual efforts over the past 4 years, we have come to this day. Today, we are proud of these young brothers and students as perhaps the most equipped individuals in Turkey, as high school graduates.’
ASELSAN General Manager Ahmet Akyol thanked the President of Defense Industries Haluk Görgün for initiating the ASELSAN MTAL project. Akyol expressed that they will carry out projects that will be a source of pride for Turkey step by step together, stating, ‘Just as ASELSAN has pioneered technology and education in Turkey and worldwide in every field since its establishment, it has fulfilled the requirements of its brand and mission here as well, creating one of Turkey’s distinguished schools. Today, we express that we will continue to walk towards the future with our very valuable graduates. We value the issues of education and youth. We invest in them from primary school onwards. Starting with the techno adventure, continuing with Teknofests, and crowning it with our vocational high schools both in Konya and Ankara, and of course, we do not stop here. After you graduate, we prepare you for the business life with ASELSAN 101 programs from the second year of university. After becoming an ASELSAN employee, we continue our career in our training centers, ASELSAN academy, and express that we will carry out projects that will be a source of pride for Turkey step by step together for the future of Turkey.’
After the speeches, the graduates received their diplomas from Prof. Dr. Haluk Görgün and Ahmet Akyol and took a commemorative photo. ASELSAN MTAL was established with the aim of educating individuals suitable for the needs of the digital age under the leadership of technology and science. With the developed education program, students studying in workshops and laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art technology enter an early specialization process in the fields of electrical-electronics, machinery, and design, aiming to contribute qualified workforce to the national defense industry.
One of the first graduates, Yağız Koçoğlu, who received a scholarship from England, stated, ‘I think ASELSAN provides a very efficient educational environment for high school students in general. Vocational high schools are valuable institutions in terms of not only acquiring knowledge but also learning the infrastructure of thought systems, developing methods beyond acquiring a profession in the general fields provided by vocational high schools, and integrating knowledge into different areas. ASELSAN comes first in this regard.’ Koçoğlu emphasized the contribution of teachers at ASELSAN, saying, ‘In general, I was accepted to the University of Warwick in England. It is among the top 70 universities in the world. I also received scholarships from 5 different universities in America during the corona period due to the projects we did there.’

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