President Çolakbayrakdar, “We are by the side of our young people and children in every field.”

The end-of-term event organized by Kocasinan Academy Children’s Club received great interest. Kocasinan Mayor Ahmet Çolakbayrakdar, who met with the children at the event, emphasized the importance of discovering the talents of young people and children and making them happy …

President Çolakbayrakdar, “We are by the side of our young people and children in every field.”
Publish: 10.06.2024

The end-of-term event organized by Kocasinan Academy Kids Club received great interest. Kocasinan Mayor Ahmet Çolakbayrakdar, who met with children at the event, stated that they help young people and children discover their talents and be happy, saying, ‘As Kocasinan Municipality, we are by the side of our young people and children in every field.’ The artworks created by the painting students of Kocasinan Kids Club at the end of the spring term training were displayed. President Çolakbayrakdar congratulated the children and showed a close interest in them, watching the performances of the children who successfully completed their training. President Çolakbayrakdar emphasized the importance of helping young people and children discover their talents and be happy, saying, ‘First of all, I congratulate our children and instructors who produce works and present a beautiful show by putting effort, and I wish them continued success. We are trying to create opportunities for our young people and children to grow more competent in every field. The Kids Club and the Youth Club are a few examples of this. We are not content with just beautifying our city with urban development, living in a cleaner environment, and a healthier atmosphere. We are creating opportunities for our children and youth to live more equipped lives. Besides the Kids Club, we are raising champion athletes with our Kocasinan Sports Club, which contributes to the physical development of our children. We are doing all these with the concern of being the municipality of everyone from 7 to 70, finding a place in everyone’s life from 7 to 70. For us, young people and children are uniquely privileged. Because they are our future and our destiny. Whatever we do for them is not enough. A mother and father do everything they can for their child. As a municipality, we are working for all our children with the same sensitivity that a father and a mother show for their child to grow up beautifully. Hopefully, we are making intense efforts to touch the lives of more fellow citizens living in the Kocasinan region. I thank everyone who contributed. With our services, we show that living in Kocasinan is a privilege for the guarantor of our future, our children. All our efforts are for our children who are the tomorrows of a Great and Strong Turkey to grow up better.’ Participants reviewing the paintings expressed their appreciation for the work of Kocasinan Kids Club and thanked Kocasinan Mayor Ahmet Çolakbayrakdar for the services.

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