Do not leave your mobile phone charging for long periods in hot weather

Phone technicians warning against leaving mobile phones on charge for a long time in extremely hot weather also cautioned the public against fake batteries. Due to the high temperatures during the summer months, mobile phones should not be left …

Do not leave your mobile phone charging for long periods in hot weather
Publish: 10.06.2024
Updated: 16.06.2024 22:31

Phone technicians who warn about not leaving cell phones on charge for long periods in extreme hot weather also cautioned citizens against fake batteries. Due to the high temperatures during the summer months, the batteries of cell phones can overheat, causing some problems. One of the most common problems is the damage to the charging integrals due to overheating. Keeping cell phone batteries plugged in for too long after they are fully charged can shorten the device’s lifespan due to swelling. Phone technicians advise not to leave cell phones on charge for long hours in hot weather and also warn against fake batteries. Murat Koç, who runs a cell phone repair shop in Erzincan, pointed out that excessive heating of phone batteries during hot months can lead to heating issues in the devices. Koç stated that they do not recommend the use of fake batteries in phones and expressed the following: ‘During the summer, batteries get very hot, causing the phones to heat up as well, leading to swelling and various problems. In the summer, the charging integrals are most commonly damaged due to high temperatures. This is directly related to the battery. Fake batteries do not usually explode much, but they can swell quickly, shorten the phone’s lifespan, and reduce the device’s efficiency. Therefore, fake batteries are not recommended. There are some quality brands in the market, which are mostly preferred. In regular phone shops, original phone batteries for every model may not be available. Some models’ batteries are only found in the technical service. Therefore, various quality brands available in the market are used. We recommend these brands, use them, but we clearly state that they are A-quality batteries. Even if they are of good quality, we openly say that they are aftermarket. When people like us give their phones for battery replacement, they can get them back in an hour. In services, parts for every model may not always be available, so they may give a timeframe of a week, 10 days, or in the legal process, a month. Due to delays in some processes in technical services, and the fact that we are more easily accessible, people prefer us more. During the summer, people should be careful not to overcharge their phones. Because the phone heats up during charging. Therefore, the plug should be removed when the battery is full. This way, both the phone and the battery will have a longer lifespan. Additionally, no device should be exposed to direct sunlight.’

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