The meeting of ‘Stars of Technology’ organized by Tiga Foundation took place at ATO

Gürsel Baran, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Ankara Chamber of Commerce (ATO), stated that Turkey aims to strengthen its technological and economic independence under the strategy named ‘National Technology Initiative,’ emphasizing that it is one of the most important factors in the technology field…

The meeting of ‘Stars of Technology’ organized by Tiga Foundation took place at ATO
Publish: 09.06.2024
Updated: 09.06.2024 23:59

Chairman of Ankara Chamber of Commerce (ATO) Board of Directors Gürsel Baran stated that Turkey aims to strengthen its technological and economic independence under the strategy called ‘National Technology Initiative,’ emphasizing that ‘the most important investment in the field of technology is made to young minds.’ Tiga Information Technologies Inc., which has implemented many national-scale health informatics projects such as ‘Drug Tracking System,’ ‘Drug Decision Support System,’ ‘Prescription Information System,’ ‘Central e-Prescription System,’ ‘e-Pulse,’ and is chaired by ATO Board Member Adem Ali Yılmaz, founder of Tiga Foundation, brought together students who receive scholarships from the foundation and professionals in the IT sector at the ‘Technology Stars Meeting’ event.
Speaking at the meeting hosted by ATO, ATO President Gürsel Baran pointed out the close relationship between economic growth and technological development, stating that technological advancements are the driving force of growth for emerging economies. Baran emphasized that economies with technology outpace others, highlighting Turkey’s strategy under the ‘National Technology Initiative’ to strengthen its technological and economic independence and to develop local and national technologies. Stressing that the advancement of production, industry, trade, high value-added exports, employment, and tax revenues is possible with local and national high technological development, Baran said, ‘The most important investment in the field of technology is made to young minds.’
Baran noted that Tiga Foundation transfers its knowledge, experience, and expertise in health informatics to the education and development of young people, stating that the foundation contributes to young individuals studying in the fields of IT and engineering by providing knowledge and experience transfer through scholarship programs, guidance services, and training seminars to strengthen their theoretical knowledge with practical skills. Baran also mentioned that Tiga Foundation provides opportunities for young people to develop themselves in the fields of science and technology, opening the way for them to be influential in global competition.
“Foundations are the greatest treasures left to us by our civilization,” said Baran, stating that Tiga Foundation supports young people who will carry the flag in the country’s technological development, contributing to social welfare and national development. Adem Ali Yılmaz, President of Tiga Foundation and ATO Board Member, explained during his opening speech at the program that they aim to go beyond providing financial support to young people as Tiga Foundation and focus on increasing their knowledge. Yılmaz said, ‘We aim to train the future industry leaders,’ and mentioned that they want to shed light on the careers of young engineering candidates by providing information about positions in the IT sector.
Following the opening speeches, the panel on ‘Prominent Positions in the IT World’ was held, where industry experts shared their experiences with the young participants. Moderated by Tiga Board Member Mete Karaca, the panel featured speakers such as Tiga Marketing Director Onur Altınküplü, Tiga HR Director Zehra Alan, Tiga Program Manager Serhat Naykı, Tiga Lead Project Manager Tan Atagören, Tiga Contract and Proposal Manager Ece Köksal, and Tiga Development Manager Önder Sezer.
After the panel, sector representatives engaged in one-on-one meetings with young engineering candidates during focus group meetings held in the ATO Foyer Area to answer the questions of the youth. ATO Vice Chairman of the Board Temel Aktay, Board Members Ahmet Akça, Ali İhsan Güçlü, and ATO 63rd Project Services Committee Member Sabahat Altınışık also participated in the event.

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