Alper Gezeravcı wind at Aksaray Science Festival
The Science Festival, organized for the 3rd time this year under the leadership of Aksaray Mayor Evren Dinçer, has been continuing with great enthusiasm for the past 3 days. Today, the festival was marked by Turkey’s first astronaut Alper Gezeravcı. Organized by the Aksaray Municipality, the festival hosted various activities including workshops, exhibitions, and seminars where science enthusiasts had the opportunity to engage with the latest developments in the field of science.

The Science Festival, organized for the 3rd time this year under the leadership of Aksaray Mayor Evren Dinçer, has been continuing with great enthusiasm for 3 days, and today Turkey’s first astronaut Alper Gezeravcı made his mark on the festival. Organized by the Aksaray Municipality, the Science Festival, which is being held for the 3rd time this year, continues with great enthusiasm. The guest of the festival today was Turkey’s first astronaut, Alper Gezeravcı. Gezeravcı, who met with the people of Aksaray at the festival held in the area behind the Tacin Mahallesi Science Center, shared information about Turkey’s steps and developments in space, as well as life in space and space education and experiments. Speaking at the discussion attended by thousands of people, Alper Gezeravcı said, ‘With the strong will of the state of the Republic of Turkey, we have only made the starting point of a story that will inspire our young brothers and children here today so that they will not limit their dreams in the future. What you will hear today is not the end of a story, but only the starting point of a story that you will put your signature under in the future. We will continue to exist with the will of our state on this path we set out on. You will continue to hear many more news in the continuation of these works. We are among the youngest and least experienced countries in the world operating in the field of space in our region. Turkey established its space agency in December 2018 to bring together the activities in the space field under a single roof. Despite the lack of experience and being the youngest space agency established in this field, after only 2 years of preparation, our space agency determined these 10 goals you see on stage in February 2021. Today, we are experiencing the happiness and pride of only one of these 10 goals. In the coming period, you will experience many more prides according to your own plans that you see in this list.’