Moral Treat from Esenler Municipality to university candidates

Esenler Municipality provided various treats to the students and parents who took the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) in Esenler. Esenler Municipality, during the Higher Education Institutions Exam, which more than 3 million candidates nationwide participated in, in Esenler…

Moral Treat from Esenler Municipality to university candidates
Publish: 08.06.2024

Esenler Municipality provided various treats to the students and parents who took the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) in Esenler. In the Higher Education Institutions Exam, which more than 3 million candidates nationwide participated in, Esenler Municipality set up treat points in front of all schools where the exam took place in Esenler, just like before each exam. Free treats such as bagels, tea, coffee, cake, and water were offered at the municipality stands at the entrances of schools. Mobile soup fountains also roamed the schools before and during the exam, offering hot soup to students and parents. At each school where the exam took place, a staff member from Esenler Municipality’s unit directors was present.
“It was a morale boost for us.” During the exam, in front of the schools where treats continued, parents thanked Esenler Mayor M. Tevfik Göksu, saying, “It made us very happy to have him with us on such an important day. It was a morale boost for both our children taking the exam and for us. This seemingly small service means more than just a treat. May Allah be pleased with those who contributed.”
Esenler Municipality took noise-prevention measures in school surroundings to prevent students taking the exam from being distracted. Especially due to schools being very close to streets and roads in the middle of residential areas, municipal police officers warned drivers with signs to prevent honking. Throughout the exam, municipal police officers warned drivers in the streets and roads around schools not to honk with signs saying ‘An exam is being held at this school. Please be quiet.’

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