The attacks of Israel on Palestine were condemned at the Ceyhan Municipality Council Meeting
Ceyhan Municipality condemned Israel in the June City Council Meeting The 4th session of the Ceyhan Municipality June City Council Meeting was held under the chairmanship of Mayor Kadir Aydar. Name changes in two neighborhoods and discussions on the merger of Imamoğlu district were among the main topics of the meeting.

Ceyhan Municipality condemned Israel in the June City Council Meeting
Ceyhan Municipality’s 4th session of the June City Council Meeting was held under the chairmanship of Mayor Kadir Aydar. While the name change in two neighborhoods and the proposal to become sister cities with the Imamoğlu district were discussed and decided, the municipal council unanimously condemned the terrorist approach of the state of Israel in Palestine.
In the Ceyhan City Council, a resolution to condemn Israel was unanimously adopted by CHP, MHP, and AK Party council members. The condemnation statement on behalf of the Ceyhan City Council was read by CHP Council Member Binnaz Alkan.
The statement included the following:
‘Israel, which has been occupying Palestinian territories since 1947, has turned its 77-year-long occupation and persecution policy into a policy of genocide and massacre as of October 7, 2023, and has killed approximately 37,000 innocent Palestinian civilians, including 15,000 children, in the last 242 days. Israel’s inhumane intervention in civilians living in Palestinian territories still continues, with dozens of innocent people being killed every day. Even the words genocide and massacre are now insufficient to describe the current situation. We condemn all the actions of Israel, which have been in violation of all international legislation, especially the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and United Nations Resolutions, since 1947, particularly since October 7, 2023, and we pray for the innocent civilians who lost their lives. We once again express our support for the oppressed Palestinian people. As the founder of our country, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, said, ‘All oppressed nations will overthrow the oppressors. Then, the words oppressor and oppressed will disappear from the world, and humanity will become a socially worthy entity.”
In the Ceyhan City Council’s June City Council meeting, it was decided to establish sister city relations with the Imamoğlu Municipality and sign a sister city protocol; the name change requests for Küçük Kırım and Belediye Evleri neighborhoods were discussed in the commission and approved by CHP and MHP council members in the council with a majority vote. The name of Küçük Kırım Neighborhood was changed to Bahçelievler Neighborhood, and the name of Belediye Evleri Neighborhood was changed to Güzel Evler Neighborhood.
At the meeting where CHP Council Member İrfan İnce was elected as a member of the Ceyhan Municipality council and CHP Council Member İsmet Aslıpek was appointed to the Education, Youth, and Sports Commission, it was unanimously agreed to name a park in Namık Kemal Neighborhood after Sefa Özer, who passed away last year.
In the meeting, a request for authorization regarding the 1/1000 zoning plan for the Solar Power Plant was submitted to the Adana Metropolitan Municipality, and authorization was granted to the Adana Metropolitan Municipality Council for the 1/1000 scale application zoning plan under the condition that the zoning approval fee is collected by the Ceyhan Municipality.