New support from industrialists to BUÜ’s TEKNOFEST teams
As part of TEKNOFEST 2024 to be held in Adana, support from the business world continues to come for the competition teams established by BUU students. The mentoring and sponsorship network created by the BUU Management for the young people preparing for TEKNOFEST is expanding…

Support from the business world continues to come to the competition teams established by Bursa Uludağ University (BUÜ) students within the scope of TEKNOFEST 2024 to be held in Adana. The mentoring and sponsorship network created by the BUÜ Management for young people preparing for TEKNOFEST is expanding. Akka Kalıp, one of the leading companies in the sector, provided support to the young people who made the final improvements in the project infrastructure. Rector Prof. Dr. Ferudun Yılmaz, vice rectors Prof. Dr. Cafer Çiftçi, Prof. Dr. Zekeriyya Arı, and a university delegation consisting of academic and administrative staff visited the company and signed the prepared cooperation protocol. Speaking during the visit, Rector Prof. Dr. Ferudun Yılmaz emphasized the importance of university-industry cooperation, stating, ‘We are among the 23 research universities in Turkey. We need qualified projects at this point. We believe that developing bilateral relations with the business world and working together will lead us to qualified outcomes. We also know that student projects will contribute to us. We are grateful to the companies that provide financial and mentoring support to the students. We thank the executives of Akka Kalıp for their contributions and hope that our protocol will lead to new collaborations.’ Nazan Akıncı, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Akka Kalıp Injection Plastic Eng. Ind. and Trade Ltd., pointed out that the essence of economic development, which constitutes the foundation of development, lies in the working energy of the youth. Nazan Akıncı, as a representative of the business world, expressed their readiness to always support Bursa Uludağ University and its students, stating, ‘We have seen the TEKNOFEST preparation processes of the youth. We were aware of the support and interest of the university administration. As a company, we wanted to provide support to our university and young people as much as we could. If we can contribute even slightly to the successes of young people chasing their dreams, we feel happy. We wish for our common working culture to continue to develop. We thank the university administrators who facilitated this collaboration and showed interest in our work by coming to our company.’ The company executives then took the BUÜ delegation on a tour of their factories and shared information about the activities and goals.