Call from Aziz Yıldırım to congress members

Fenerbahçe President Candidate Aziz Yıldırım stated that Şekip Mosturoğlu should be the Chairman of the General Assembly and invited all members to the stadium to vote on Saturday, June 8th at 09:30. Aziz Yıldırım’s social media post…

Call from Aziz Yıldırım to congress members
Publish: 05.06.2024

Fenerbahçe Presidential Candidate Aziz Yıldırım invited all members to the stadium on Saturday, June 8th at 09:30 to vote, stating that Şekip Mosturoğlu should be the Chairman of the General Assembly. Aziz Yıldırım’s statement on social media accounts is as follows: ‘Respected congress members, dear fans, on June 8-9, we will take our place at the stadium starting from 09:30 at our Elective Ordinary General Assembly. The recent statements of the current President Mr. Ali Koç, indicating that if he wins, he will not work with our elected High Council President Mr. Şekip Mosturoğlu, are extremely anti-democratic and anti-institutional. In addition, Mr. Koç clearly reveals his goal of embargoing the general assembly’s presidency by these statements. In order for our General Assembly to be managed on equal and fair terms, for the intense congress environment we will experience for 2 days to be managed with professionalism and justice, and for the rights of each congress member to be preserved to the fullest, as a requirement of our institutional structure, we believe that our current High Council President, Mr. Şekip Mosturoğlu, who was elected with a recent record vote and who has spent months in prison for our club on July 3, should be the Chairman of the General Assembly. We invite all congress members to vote in favor of Mr. Şekip Mosturoğlu, whom we have no doubt about his sense of justice and whom we are sure will apply our regulations meticulously, and we invite all members to our stadium on Saturday, June 8th at 09:30’.

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