A healthy lifestyle breeze blew in Yeşim

Yeşim, aiming to promote a healthy lifestyle awareness and create awareness in this regard, has concluded the Change and Transformation Festival in May. With the goal of supporting the physical and mental health of its employees, May was designated as the month of ‘Change and Transformation’ …

A healthy lifestyle breeze blew in Yeşim
Publish: 05.06.2024

Yeşim, aiming to develop a consciousness of a healthy lifestyle and create awareness in this regard, concluded the Change and Transformation Festival in May. Yeşim Group, declaring May as the month of ‘Change and Transformation’ with the goal of supporting the physical and mental health of its employees, offered many enjoyable and beneficial activities to its employees through the festival organized within this scope. Throughout the festival realized in collaboration with Eflatun Yoga, physical activities such as yoga, meditation, rhythm workshops, and breathing exercises, as well as activities supporting mental health such as stress management and personal development workshops, were organized. Additionally, special activities for children attending Yeşim Kindergarten were also organized during the festival. The festival, which started with Burcu Saraçoğlu Aşan’s talk on ‘How to Improve Our Mental and Physical Health?’ and continued with Zerrin Kaya’s event ‘Change and Transformation with Breath,’ guided the participants with the training on ‘Stress Reduction and Meditation Practice with Mindfulness’ by Çiğdem Özdemir. Psychologist Dr. Cem Türkeş provided important information on ‘Awareness in Relationships.’ In the closing week of the festival, which aims to create awareness about a healthy life, experts such as Ebru Çatak, Semra Demirağ, Banu Gönenç, Sayara Özdemir, Nilay Beceren, and Merve Karabıyık guided Yeşim Group employees on various topics such as ‘New Generation Healthy Nutrition,’ ‘Women’s Circle: Femininity States Transforming,’ ‘Life Journey with Numerology,’ ‘Let the Change Begin on Your Face! (Facial Yoga),’ ‘Secrets of Healthy Weight Loss,’ and ‘Rhythm Workshop with Body Percussion.’ Speaking at the closing event of the festival, Yeşim Group Corporate Communications Director Dilek Cesur emphasized the importance they give to the work-life balance of their employees and used the following statements: ‘We declared May, which is the World Mental Health Awareness Month, as the Change and Transformation Month as Yeşim Group this year. During this process, we organized a wide range of activities with Eflatun Yoga, with whom we collaborated, for our employees, and the intense interest shown by our employees in the activities has been a great source of motivation for us. In line with our ‘People First’ philosophy, we aim to institutionalize this festival to help our employees maintain their work-life balance, preserve their mental and physical health, and keep their well-being at the highest level. We will continue to hold similar activities in the coming months for our employees to lead a healthier, happier, and more balanced life. We believe that happiness and health in the workplace are directly related to productivity and will continue to act accordingly.’ Furthermore, experiences aimed at improving mental and physical health were also shared at the festival, and a ‘Children’s Yoga’ training was organized for children aged 6 attending Yeşim Kindergarten.

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