They saw what they learned in class in the field

Students of the Atatürk University Oltu Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Economics Club in the Oltu district of Erzurum had the opportunity to reinforce the knowledge they learned in class through field trips. The Economics Club students had the chance to reinforce the knowledge they learned in class through field trips.

They saw what they learned in class in the field
Publish: 04.06.2024
Updated: 05.06.2024 01:19

Students of the Atatürk University Oltu Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Economics Club in the Oltu district of Erzurum had the opportunity to reinforce the knowledge they learned in class through field trips. The Economics Club students visited a synthetic sack and big bag factory in the district as part of their field trip. Mitat Güzel Mitatoğlu and the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors Erkan Güzel, who hosted the students at the factory, provided information about sack production methods and techniques. The students were briefed on the production of sacks from raw material to the final product at the factory. Associate Professor Rafet Beyaz from the Department of Business Administration at the Atatürk University Oltu Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences stated, ‘Today, we organized a technical visit with 20 students from our Business and Economics Club. As part of this plan, we visited the sack factory with Erkan Güzel. We clearly observed every stage of the factory from raw material to product size. We have achieved an important gain especially in obtaining a tangible output with our students. We thank Murat and Erkan Güzel for adding such value to Oltu. Our district is in a rural area. Therefore, it is a place where we need to create value. We thank them for producing the necessary value for the development of the district. We hope that the number of similar initiatives will increase. We will continue to visit here in different organizations in the future. They expressed that the doors of the factory are wide open for us in terms of creating value. We thanked them on behalf of ourselves and our students.’ The students expressed their happiness in seeing and experiencing the knowledge they gained in their classes in the field and in practice, stating that they gained valuable experience.

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