In Bingol, 950 teachers and staff members received Heimlich maneuver training within 1 year

The First Aid Training Center established within the Provincial National Education Directorate in Bingöl provided Heimlich maneuver training to 950 people, including teachers and staff, within a year. The training center, established by the Provincial National Education Directorate in Bingöl, aims to raise awareness about first aid and emergency response among teachers and staff.

In Bingol, 950 teachers and staff members received Heimlich maneuver training within 1 year
Publish: 04.06.2024
Updated: 05.06.2024 01:19

The First Aid Training Center established within the Provincial Directorate of National Education in Bingöl provided Heimlich maneuver training to 950 teachers and staff members within a year. The trainers at the education center established by the Provincial Directorate of National Education in Bingöl took action for the Heimlich maneuver, which is vital in drowning cases that have increased in schools recently. Experts providing training to teachers and staff at different schools on certain days of the week also offer Heimlich maneuver training alongside first aid training. ‘In the past year, 950 people benefited from these first aid trainings.’ The Responsible Director of the First Aid Training Center, Cemil Akgün, recalled that a teacher they recently trained saved a student’s life with the Heimlich maneuver. Akgün stated, ‘Our First Aid Training Center is an education center established within the Provincial Directorate of National Education. Our goal is to provide first aid training to our teachers and staff. Especially in the past year, 950 people benefited from these first aid trainings. Among these trainings, the Heimlich maneuver is the most encountered. The Heimlich maneuver is generally applied by teachers and we have started to see its effectiveness. Recently, one of our teachers in Bingöl saved a student’s life through this. The Heimlich maneuver is a method used to remove a foreign object from the throat when the airway is blocked. It is known as abdominal thrust within the Heimlich maneuver, and there is also the back blow process before that. The main goal is to ensure the removal of the obstructing object with abdominal thrust.’ ‘We greatly benefited from this training.’ Emphasizing the necessity of first aid training in every aspect of life, religious culture and ethics teacher Bünyamin Bürkük stated that the Heimlich maneuver is of vital importance. Teacher Bürkük, who received training, said, ‘We received training on the Heimlich maneuver with our colleagues here, and I believe we greatly benefited from this training. This is an education that is needed in every aspect of life. I believe that we can do our best if we encounter it here or elsewhere. I believe I can intervene as a first aider when we encounter a case in the future.’ Another teacher who received training, Ayşe Bilmez, said, ‘I will especially see the benefit of this Heimlich maneuver training I received as a mother. I firmly believe that it will be beneficial to me. Not only as a mother, but actually as a teacher or any other member of society, it may occur anywhere. We also see it in the news. Hopefully, there won’t be a need, but if there is, hopefully it will benefit me.’

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