Prof. Dr. Şenol Dost interpreted the Mathematics questions of LGS 2024

Prof. Dr. Şenol Dost, who manages the ‘LGS Success Program’ specifically designed for 7th and 8th grade students within the framework of the high academic performance system, evaluated the 2024 Mathematics questions of the LGS (High School Transition System). Medicana Education Group MBA Schools…

Prof. Dr. Şenol Dost interpreted the Mathematics questions of LGS 2024
Publish: 03.06.2024
Updated: 05.06.2024 01:19

Prof. Dr. Şenol Dost, who manages the ‘LGS Success Program’ designed for 7th and 8th-grade students within the framework of the high academic performance system, evaluated the 2024 Mathematics questions of the LGS (Transition to High School System). Medican Education Group MBA Schools Scientific Board Member Prof. Dr. Şenol Dost stated that ‘When the LGS 2024 Mathematics questions are evaluated; Questions Corresponding Directly to Achievement at the Operational Level, Verbal Problems at the Application Level Corresponding to the Achievement, Questions Requiring Analytical Skills, Questions Requiring Reasoning Skills are distributed under the titles.’ Dost, using expressions like ‘Questions at the operational and application levels are more common, and as expected, questions requiring analytical skills parallel the published sample questions,’ further added, ‘On the other hand, it has been observed that questions requiring reasoning skills are non-routine problems’ and shared the question analyses in Booklet A as follows: 1. Question: It is a simple application of the achievement ‘Multiplying a natural number by an algebraic expression’ included in the 7th-grade curriculum. It is a two-stage problem (finding the perimeter of a square and multiplying a natural number by an algebraic expression). 2. Question: It is an application of the achievement ‘Expresses very large and very small numbers in scientific notation’ in the context of a daily life problem. The question is a two-stage problem involving conversion between weight measurement units and scientific notation in exponential numbers. 3. Question: It is an operational question at the level of knowledge appropriate to the achievement ‘Recognizes real numbers, associates rational and irrational numbers.’ 4. Question: It is an operational question appropriate to the achievement ‘Performs addition and subtraction operations in radical expressions.’ 5. Question: It is an application question interpreting the transformation of a column graph into a frequency table in the context of the Data Analysis subject in Middle School Mathematics Teaching Program. 6. Question: It is a problem requiring analytical skills in the context of a daily life problem of the achievement ‘Studies shapes on lines of symmetry.’ 7. Question: It is a multi-stage problem requiring analytical skills involving algebraic expressions, translations in polygons, and area calculation. 8. Question: It is a multi-stage application problem involving the achievements ‘Recognizes a first-degree equation with one unknown and constructs a first-degree equation suitable for real-life situations’ in the 7th-grade curriculum and ‘Solves first-degree equations’ in the 8th-grade curriculum. 9. Question: It is an application problem containing a first-degree inequality with the skill of reading a table. 10. Question: It is an application problem where determining how one variable changes with respect to the value taken by the other variable and constructing its equation is requested. 11. Question: It is an application of finding the approximate value of radical expressions in the context of a daily life problem. The problem also includes knowing square numbers simultaneously. 12. Question: It is a problem requiring analytical skills parallel to the relationship of the lengths of the sides of a triangle with the measures of the angles opposite those sides. 13. Question: It is a question requiring analytical skills parallel to representing first-degree inequalities on the number line. 14. Question: It is a multi-stage daily life problem at the analysis level involving the volume of a right circular cylinder and constructing a first-degree equation. 15. Question: It is an application problem involving basic rules in exponential expressions and the area calculation of a rectangle. 16. Question: It is a routine application of the concept of the Least Common Multiple (LCM) in daily life problems. 17. Question: It is a problem at the level of reasoning in the context of a daily life problem concerning the concept of slope. 18. Question: It is an application problem related to special triangles regarding the concept of similarity ratio in triangles. 19. Question: It is a multi-stage daily life problem requiring analytical skills based on calculating the probability of a simple event. 20. Question: It is a problem at the level of reasoning regarding the use of the Pythagorean theorem.

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