Mysterious canyon awaits to be discovered: Claims of an underground city beneath it

In the district of Taşkoöprü in Kastamonu, a canyon containing remnants of city walls, caves, and tunnel entrances is waiting to be discovered. Associate Professor Hikmet Haberal, who suggests that there may be an underground city beneath the canyon, emphasizes the importance of investigating the area for tourism development…

Mysterious canyon awaits to be discovered: Claims of an underground city beneath it
Publish: 03.06.2024

In the district of Taşköprü in Kastamonu, a canyon containing remnants of walls, caves, and tunnel entrances is waiting to be discovered. Associate Professor Hikmet Haberal, suggesting the possibility of an underground city under the canyon, stated that the region could be explored and developed for tourism. In Kastamonu, under the leadership of Taşköprü Local Action Group Association, studies in collaboration with Kastamonu University and Taşköprü Municipality are ongoing to determine an ‘adventure route.’ Within this framework, a team conducting route determination studies in Taşköprü district examined the Bük Karşı Canyon located in the villages of Bük and Karşı. During the exploration trip conducted by the team, they identified remnants of walls approximately 1.5 kilometers long on the canyon. The team entering a cave in the canyon determined that a descent of about 100 meters could be made with stairs. While passing through the canyon, the team encountered a waterfall and discovered another cave at the entrance of the canyon. Swimming to the cave, the team saw that the entrance of the cave was closed due to the accumulation of mud and tree roots. The team identified the presence of living remnants in the caves in the canyon and suggested the possibility of an ancient underground city in the canyon.
Associate Professor Hikmet Haberal, providing information about the study, stated, ‘We visited the area out of curiosity. The locals told us that no one had entered the canyon and that it was like a closed box. We first explored the surroundings of the canyon because the canyon resembles a mountain slope on the right and left sides. The canyon is situated in a deep valley between two mountains, with a stream flowing through the middle. We circled around the canyon for about 4 kilometers. We saw a cave, and when I entered one of these caves, I saw that stairs were used to descend. While descending the stairs, I was shouting. My friends waiting outside heard my voice echoing. They called me back, and I returned without going too far. Additionally, we researched the flora on the canyon by examining the plant diversity on the canyon. While wandering on the canyon, we came across a wall. A wall about 1.5 kilometers long was built from one end of the canyon to the other. In the middle of the wall, there are compartments at its highest peak. It is evident that human intervention has taken place, and the insides have been excavated by treasure hunters. Columns and walls exist.’
“The region needs to be protected and registered”
Haberal, mentioning that they saw different types of caves in the canyon, said, ‘One cave is very long inside, another one looks like a house. In another, we saw cave spots where only people could enter and take shelter. At the end of the wall that continues from one end of the canyon to the other, we also encountered a rock tomb. The rock tomb overlooks the entire village. It seems like it is watching over the village. This place has also been vandalized. The walls are clear, and this wall needs to be exposed, and the region needs to be protected and registered. There is a 1-kilometer-long water flow here, settlements on the canyon, and authentic villages in the surrounding area. When all of these are combined, the region emerges as a very nice natural tourism destination. We have documented all of these.’
“By changing the direction of the water at the entrance of the cave, the entrance of the ancient city will be opened, and the underground city will be revealed”
Haberal mentioned that the locals living in the area provided them with information about an underground city inside the canyon. He said, ‘We could not believe this information. They said there is an ancient city, an underground city in the canyon. During our exploration trip, we immediately saw a cave entrance in the rocks on the right side at the entrance of the canyon. The water level was high when we entered the canyon. I said I would swim to the cave. When I entered the cave, I came across wolf and marten traces. How did these animals pass through that water to get to the cave, it is impossible for them to pass. We saw animal traces there. Since those animals could not pass through the water, it means they came from a different route to the canyon. We saw this with our headlamps. We could not go further because the cave was narrowing as we progressed. The mouth of the cave was filled with mud. When the locals say there is an underground city here, I think it is true when I see it with my own eyes. The cave splits into two further ahead, and we think there is an ancient city there. It is not our area of expertise, so we could not go further. Cave explorers will come here and conduct inspections, or by changing the direction of the water at the entrance of the cave, the entrance of the cave or ancient city can be opened to reveal the underground city. I believe that the staircase shape we saw in the cave on the canyon is connected to the other cave.’

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