Karademir: We don’t even have 1 minute to lose

Salih Karademir, the President of Malatya Entrepreneur Business People Association (MAGİNDER), stated that there is no time to lose for Malatya, which has suffered a great blow in the disaster of the century, to return to its former state as soon as possible. He emphasized that the business world in Malatya is currently facing the most…

Karademir: We don’t even have 1 minute to lose
Publish: 02.06.2024

President of Malatya Entrepreneur Business People Association (MAGİNDER), Salih Karademir, stated that there is no time to lose for Malatya, which suffered a great deal in the disaster of the century, to return to its former state as soon as possible.

Stating that the biggest problem they currently see in the business world in Malatya is the lack and pollution of information, MAGİNDER president Salih Karademir expressed, ‘The problems of our tradesmen, merchants, and industrialists affect the progress of Malatya’s business world. We no longer have the strength to endure, and our patience has reached its limit. We are truly saddened by the current state of Malatya. The business world had serious hopes for Malatya after the municipal elections. At this point, the fact that politicians, mayors, and NGOs in the city are acting disjointedly is causing serious harm to the business world.’

Karademir, emphasizing that investing in the city alone will not be enough for Malatya to rise, said, ‘We need to attract investors from outside. For this, an urgent action plan should be put in place under the name of Malatya City Vision through a joint consultation meeting with the business world to take the necessary steps for Malatya to rise in the short, medium, and long term. If the tradesmen, industrialists, and merchants turn their backs on this city, Malatya will not rise. We need to collectively produce projects with a common mind based on this awareness. The current situation of Malatya is no different from the streets of Pakistan and India. An investor who sees Malatya in this state will not invest here, and the tradesmen, merchants, and industrialists who invest here will migrate from such a city.’

Karademir also pointed out that citizens do not receive the information they want regarding reserve areas, continuing his statement, ‘This uncertainty in the city confuses the minds of our tradesmen, industrialists, and merchants. Where there is uncertainty, hopelessness begins. The biggest duty of our mayors and deputies should be to revive the hope of the people living in Malatya. We are the real owners of this city. As the MAGİNDER family, we are always by the side of our city. We will take necessary steps at all times to solve and voice the problems of the business world.’

President Karademir also noted that 15 months have passed since the earthquake, and the business world is still restless and hopeless. He said, ‘It is time to take the necessary steps. This city no longer has 1 minute to lose. Everyone needs to take the necessary responsibility upon themselves and work towards the common goal of Malatya, which is our shared love. Malatya needs every Malatyalı, whether present or not. Malatya does not need conflicts, personal ambitions, or individual efforts. It needs brotherhood, unity, and togetherness. Firstly, Malatya needs to be united as one. We do not want the demographic structure of Malatya to change. To keep the spirit of being a Malatyalı alive, we want to revive this city with the duty entrusted to us by our ancestors. The MAGİNDER family will always be the voice of the tradesmen, industrialists, and merchants. Hopefully, our state will make the necessary investments quickly for Malatya to be stronger and more beautiful.’

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