Coordination Meeting for YKS: Warnings to Candidates and Citizens

During the ‘2024 Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) District Exam Coordination Meeting’ held in the district of Vezirköprü in Samsun, reminders were given to the candidates, and warnings about ‘noise’ were made to the citizens. The district exam will also take place on June 08-09, 2024.

Coordination Meeting for YKS: Warnings to Candidates and Citizens
Publish: 01.06.2024

During the ‘2024 Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) District Exam Coordination Meeting’ held in the district of Vezirköprü in Samsun, reminders were given to candidates and warnings about ‘noise’ were issued to the public. The Exam Coordination Board of ÖSYM, chaired by District Governor Özgür Kaya, met for the 2024 YKS exams to be held in the district on June 8-9, 2024. The meeting, held at the District Governor’s Office, discussed agenda items related to security measures before, during, and after the exam. District Governor Özgür Kaya stated that all institutions would cooperate harmoniously to establish a peaceful and secure exam environment in the district. He mentioned that the District Population Directorate will provide services on June 8, Saturday, from 07:00 to 17:00 for candidates who may have problems with their ID cards on the morning of the exam, and on June 9, Sunday, from 07:00 to 15:30. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of not honking near exam buildings, not activating ambulance and fire truck sirens, refraining from broadcasting outside due to official and private ceremonies, avoiding creating wedding or military convoy processions, refraining from construction noise, street vendor noises, and any other kind of noise in the district center to prevent distractions during the exam. The meeting was attended by District Gendarmerie Commander J.Bnb. Ümit Çetinkaya, District Police Chief V. Officer Mutlu Toptaş, District Director of National Education Resül Özata, District Population Director Halis Bilen, Deputy Mayor Salih Sefacı, Director of OMÜ Vezirköprü Vocational School Prof. Dr. Necati Tomal, ÖSYM METEKSAN representative Instructor İrfan Peker, and Vezirköprü Vocational School ÖSYM Coordination Personnel Hatice Alıcı.

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